18. 1. 2022 – 22.00

Metal detektor

Audio file

1 / ApesLullabies For Eternal Sleep [Translation Loss Records, 2022, Kanada]

2 / SoothsayerEchoes of the Earth [Transcending Obscurity Records, 2021, Irska]

3 / Charnel AltarAbatement of the Sun [Blood Harvest, 2021, Avstralija]

4 / KHNVMPortals to Oblivion [Neckbreaker Records, 2021, Nemčija/Bangladeš]

5 / Love Your WitchWow! That Sweet Magic [Reality Rehab Records, 2021, Izrael]

6 / Anna von HausswolffLive At Montreux Jazz Festival [Southern Lord, 2022, Švedska]

7 / Dead Neanderthals & Aaron B. Turner Corporeal Flux [samozaložba, 2021, Nizozemska/ZDA]


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