7. 5. 2012 – 22.00


Tokrat poslušamo nove izdaje zasedb Liberteer, Cattle Decapitation, Bodyfarm, Unleashed, The Wretched End, Prong, Crystal Viper, Saint Vitus, The Foreshadowing, The Firstborn, Nutrition in enega izmed remixov zadnje plošče Morbid Angel.

Metal detektor je tokrat zadnjič na sporedu v ponedeljek, s prihodnjo oddajo se že selimo na torek ob 22h.


LIBERTEER – We Are Not Afraid Of Ruins (Better Do Die On Your Feet Than Live On Your Knees)

CATTLE DECAPITATION – Dead Set On Suicide (Monolith Of Inhumanity)

BODYFARM – The Butcher (Malevolence)

UNLEASHED – Odalheim (Odalheim)

THE WRETCHED END – Tyrant Of The Mountain (Inroads)

PRONG – Keep On Living In Pain (Carved Into Stone)

CRYSTAL VIPER – Witch's Mark (Crimen Excepta)

SAINT VITUS – Blessed Night (Lillie: F-65)

THE FORESHADOWING – The Forsaken Son (Second World)

THE FIRSTBORN – Wantless (Lions Among Men)

NUTRITION – R-Complex (Dusk Of The Hunter)

MORBID ANGEL – TREPONEM PAL – 10 More Dead (Illud Divinum Insanus – The Remixes)

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