11. 8. 2012 – 23.00


Audio file

live & direct, nocoj ob enajstih - hit the muthafuckin improv... and fields..., booooyyy! ..

"Plumage refers both to the layer of __________ that cover a __________ and the pattern, colour, and arrangement of those __________." wiki

"...two live to portable __________ that do their best to reshape the way you think __________ music should be..." idwal fisher


"Plumage as the "emergent" of live improvised music.

Plumage as the lacking "transcendent" of recorded improvised music.

Plumage as the concepts of recording that bring new life.

Plumage as the idea of invitation to improvised music concerts,

…so Plumage extends an invitation - to you! Please come - see why all of this..." loop



Thomas Koner - Novaya Zemlya 1

Lance Austin Olsen - THIEF

tim blechmann & seijiro murayama - pri koritu

Oren Ambarchi, Chrys Cole, Keith Rowe - Black Plume II


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