20. 1. 2018 – 11.00


Audio file

1. Age Eternal – Saturn Knows I'm Here

2. Age Eternal – Sacrifice

    Age Eternal FB, Age Eternal BC & Instruments Of Discipline BC

3. Safe Hex – Watch Us Fade

4. Safe Hex - Rachael

    Safe Hex FB, Safe Hex BC & Black Verb Records BC

5. Shame - Tasteless

    Shame FB, Shame BC & Dead Oceans Records

6. Crywank – When You Eat Yourself, First Start With Your Head Up Your Ass

7. Crywank - Woodchuck

8. Crywank - Thoughts on Self-Described DIY Bands Engaging With A Profit-Based Print Media

9. Crywank – Story of the Lizard and the Sock

    Crywank FB, Crywank BC

10. Marvelous Persona – Question Marks that Lay in Your Dreams

11. Marvelous Persona – … And the Angels Won't Help You

      Marvelous Persona FB, Marvelous Persona BC

12. Nürnberg - Intro

13. Nürnberg – U nikudy

14. Nürnberg - Patanuć

15. Nürnberg - Los

      Nürnberg FB, Nürnberg BC & Squall Recordings BC



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