2. 6. 2015 – 23.59

Zasavje noisefest international 2015 - live night program with international line-up

Audio file

V tokratnem nočnem programu se ogrevamo za zasavski noise festival ZNFI 2015 - posnetek programa  v spodnjem youtube videu!

Festival se sicer seli po robnih prizoriščih, ki s svojim programom tudi skozi sezono skrbijo za tovrstne robne izkušnje.

2.junij - nočni program na Radiu Študent

3.- 4. junij - Noise hours - Dvorana Gustaf - Pekarna - Maribor

5. - 6.junij - ZNFI 2015 - Vašhava - Trbovlje

7.junij - Sundaynoise v Klubu Metulj - Bistrica ob Sotli

8.junij - Noise outro v Menzi pri koritu - Metelkova - Ljubljana

Več na www.znfi.org


Kot predogodek in warm-up bomo v etru Radia Študent od polnoči dalje deležni široke mednarodne udeležbe:

- MIMI KAWOUIN (improvisational noise a la sesame street, FR)

- ANALOG SUICIDE (harsh electronic/industrial/noise, TR) 

- GRAVHUND (shitcore, DK)

- OLGA SZYMULA (noise/electronics, PL/DK) 

- KOPROPRAXILLA (koprohagen shitnoise, DK) 

- SOVIET LOVE (free noise, IT)

- SIST EN 343 (harsh ambient noise, SI)

- PURGIST (cut-up harsh noise, PL)

- PRAYING FOR OBLIVION (power electronics, US/BE)





Grotesque performance, from chaotic groovy nuttiness to hypnotic textured brutal popy songs.

Mimi Kawouin, strange colored beast, loves pushing and twisting….

buttons buttons buttons buttons

buttons buttons buttons buttons

buttons buttons buttons buttons



Batur Sönmez is a musician, audio-visual and sound artist. He was born in Istanbul, in 1975.

He started his first experimental, electronic, industrial, noise music project in 1998. He has several music and audio-visual projects such as Analog Suicide, Noiseistanbul, Antarktika, Flash Mental Experiment, Heavy Machinery, Mindscan, Btr. Unit, Dadaloop, Radiophonik, etc. He also works on sound art, video art, installation, multimedia and short film. He lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey.









Gravhund are group of people, working under the collective DJHNM (Den Jyske Harsh Noise Mafia), producing so called shitcore noise/anti-music and just playing and overthrowing the fixed concepts on their head. Just by titles of albums and songs you get the rough idea of what they are about, par example: Nazi Illuminati Paparazzi, Yolo-Ho Satan, Sugar Bunny Having Funny etc. They also organize events and organized a AARHUS INTERNATIONAL SUPERNOISE FESTIVAL in February 2015 with almost 50 performers. This year they headed on their Slovenian tour and visiting the Zasavje Nosiefest International festival in Trbovlje.






--->OLGA SZYMULA (nc infa mi ni poslala sploh, to je to:)))



je med drugim tud member, spreminjajocih se clanov ever-evolving grupe Gravhund, Gravhund is everybody...



solo act of one of the Gravhund's DJHNM (Den Jyske Harsh Noise Mafia)




Trio of noise improvisation that born by the meeting of different and complementary worlds:

the performative vocal and objects of Annalisa Pascai Saiu and the eclectic doublebass/electric bass player Michele Anelli and the drummer Emilio

Bernè. Soviet Love propose a trip around several poetic worlds interpreted, destroyed, decomposed, taken to the extreme. “In the beginning was the word, he said, and the

word was the Sound”.They have made many live sets and make two tapes releases by No Records.






---> SIST EN 343

Slovenski harsh / ambient nojz dvojec je nastal davnega l. 1999. Je

eden izmed pionirjev na podrocju eksperimentalne glasbe in hrupa v

Sloveniji. Zvok ustvarjajo iz bolj ali manj primitivne opreme, orodij

in razlicnih (najdenih) materialov iz bliznje in daljne okolice. V

preteklosti so zvok iztiskali iz stekla, plastike, razlicnih kovin,

cevi, itn. L. 2000 so imeli prvi nastop, ki je prejel zelo dobro

kritiko. L. 2001 so bili povabljeni na prvi Klubski maraton Radia

Student. Zvok so izdajali na razlicnih kasetnih in digitalnih

formatih. L. 2006 so pri legendarni ameriski noise zalozbi RRR izdali

split 7" z ameriskimi SONIC DISORDER, l. 2010 pa 3-way split CD z 7

MINUTES OF NAUSEA in tn666. Pri breziski zalozbi Debila records pa so

lansko leto izdali mini album v CD-R formatu. 









P U R G I S T started in the first quarter of 2013 as an outlet for focused exploration of urban field recordings, aural atmospherics and disjointed noise dynamics.





Industrial-Noise/Power-Electronics project Praying For Oblivion emerged from Buffalo,N.Y. in 1995.

Founded by Andrew Seal, Praying For Oblivion has taken on many different forms as a live performance and recording unit.

Live actions focus on darker ritual elements and loops, as well as vocals, augmented occasionally by synthesizers and scrap metals.

Since its beginning Praying For Oblivion has dispersed it's sound over a variety of medias and various labels in the United States and Europe. There are a variety of releases on vinyl, CD, cassette, and CD-R available.


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