Outtacontroller - Don't Play Dumb
Predstavljamo prvenec svežega power pop benda Outtacontroller, ki deluje v Halifaxu. Vplivi Ramonesov so več kot očitni, po drugi plati bi jih lahko primerjali tudi s White Wires. Prvenec je izšel pri pomembni nemški punk rock založbi P-Trash Records... Playlista: 1. Outtacontroller - Pointed At You (2:20) 2. Outtacontroller - Gotta Deal With Neil (2:36) 3. Outtacontroller - Don't Play Dumb (1:58) 4. Outtacontroller - Everybody's Telling Me (1:59) 5. Outtacontroller - Pink Pocket Knife (3:05) 6. Outtacontroller - Hydromorphone Love (1:45) 7. Outtacontroller - It's True (2:10) 8. Outtacontroller - Productive Waste Of Time (1:39) 9. Outtacontroller - Put It On High (1:42) 10. Outtacontroller - Graveyard Kid (1:56) 11. Outtacontroller - Prescription Thrills (3:08) 12. Outtacontroller - Purple Teeth (Bad Attitude) (1:09) 13. Outtacontroller - Sloppy Princess (1:58) 14. Outtacontroller - Burn Out Beach (2:05) 15. Outtacontroller - Power Out (1:34) 16. Outtacontroller - 40 Days (2:58)
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