20. 1. 2021 – 23.00


Audio file
Vir: Lastni vir

ker se ne moremo srečevat na koncertih, se pač v etru

tokrat bo gostja oddaje Ema Lavrič, sodelavka glasbene redakcije Radia Študent

ker nismo še povedal vsega o 2020, nekaj malega pa tudi o obetih 2021

Seznam predvajanja:

1. Boris - Anti-Gone

2. Respire - Tempest

3. Sprain - Worship House

4. Autechre - marhide

5. Bladee - Reality Surf

6. Charli XCX - Forever

7. Envy - A Faint New World

8. The Garden - A Struggle

9. Skáphe - IX - The Lowest Abyss

10. Ulver - Little Boy

Seznam plošč po Eminem izboru:

Sprain - As Lost Through Collision

Autechre - SIGN

Autechre - PLUS

Envy - The Fallen Crimson

Charli XCX - How I'm Feeling Now

Primitive Man - Immersion

The Strokes - The New Abnormal

Boris - No

The Garden - Kiss My Super Bowl Ring

Ulcerate - Stare Into Death And Be Still

Nuvolascura - As We Suffer From Memory & Imagination

Duma - Duma

Dragged Into Sunlight - Terminal Aggressor II

Sightless Pit - Grave of a Dog

Skáphe - Skáphe³

Bladee - 333

Mamaleek - Come & See

Nothing - The Great Dismal

Repetitor - Prazan prostor među nama koji može i da ne postoji

clipping. - Visions of Bodies Being Burned

Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou - May Our Chambers Be Full

Drone Emoji - In The Room The Women Come And Go. Talking Of Michelangelo

Health - DISCO4 :: PART I

Anna von Hausswolff - All Thoughts Fly

Boris with Merzbow - 2R0I2P0

Respire - Black Line

Akhlys - Melinoë

Ulver - Flowers of Evil





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