20. 4. 2022 – 22.00

Allison de Groot & Tatiana Hargreaves

Audio file

Novost tega tedna je duet Allison de Groot & Tatiana Hargreaves z albumom Hurricane Clarice, v preostalem izboru glasbe se bodo znašli še John Fahey, Black Twig Pickers, House and Land ter Nick Jonah Davis.


01 John Fahey - The Transcendental Waterfall

02 Black Twig Pickers - Dan Friend's Piece

03 House and Land - Carolina Lady

04 Allison de Groot & Tatiana Hargreaves - I Would Not Live Always

05 Allison de Groot & Tatiana Hargreaves - Wellington

06 Allison de Groot & Tatiana Hargreaves - Ostrich with Pearls

07 Allison de Groot & Tatiana Hargreaves - Hurricane Clarice  Brushy Fork of John's Creek

08 Nick Jonah Davis - The Peacock Dance

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