21. 4. 2021 – 22.00

Broken Stay Open Demos

Audio file

Pregled novih albumov, ki so jih v obdobju zadnjih dveh mesecev izdali: Alela Diane (Live at the Map Room), Rhiannon Giddens (They're Calling Me Home), Lonely Tourist (Remuneration), Son Of The Velvet Rat (Solitary Company), Red River Dialect (Broken Stay Open Demos).


01 Red River Dialect - Open Sky (bell) (solo demo)

02 Lonely Tourist - Father Tierney Has His Doubts

03 Lonely Tourist - Last Day at Tony's

04 Son Of The Velvet Rat - Alicia

05 Son Of The Velvet Rat - The Waterlily & the Dragonfly

06 Alela Diane - The Rifle

07 Alela Diane - Tired Feet

08 Rhiannon Giddens - Bully for You (feat. Francesco Turrisi)

09 Rhiannon Giddens - Nenna Nenna (feat. Francesco Turrisi)

10 Red River Dialect - Aery Thin (solo demo)

11 Red River Dialect - Cave of the Blue Dragon

12 Red River Dialect - Kukkuripa (solo demo)

13 Red River Dialect - Laniakea

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