Mary Lattimore & Walt McClements, Landless
Poslušamo vokalne izvedbe ljudskih pesmi zasedbe Landless s plošče Luireach ter instrumentalne kompozicije dueta Mary Lattimore & Walt McClements z njunega prvega skupnega albuma Rain On the Road.
01 Landless - Lúireach Bhríde
02 Landless - The Grey Selkie of Sule Skerry
03 Landless - The Wounded Hussar
04 Landless - The Newry Highwayman
05 Landless - Death and the Lady
06 Mary Lattimore & Walt McClements - The Poppies, the Wild Mustard, the Blue-Eyed Grass
07 Mary Lattimore & Walt McClements - We Waited for the Bears to Leave
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