29. 1. 2019 – 23.00

Cold of Ruins

Audio file

S U B W A Y  1 1 5 2 / 1 4 2 7 torek, 29/1.2019. ob 23-ih

Nov straight edge hc kolektiv iz Nemčije ClearxCut. Prvi ep imajo hardkorovci Khiis (foto) iz Oaklanda in Restraining Order iz West Springfielda. Nove posnetke tudi punkerji Distant Abuse iz Rusije in anarcho punkerji Indoctrinate z Dunaja ter melodični hardkorovci Abattoir Blues iz Singapurja in metalkorovci Avhath iz Indonezije. Od koncertov: Odpisani, Don Gatto in Ignite.


CLEARxCUT - "Vegan Straight Edge" EP (2018)

– I See The Light

– The Vegan Straight Edge

KHIIS - "Saboor" EP (2018)

– Tokhme sag

– Sahar/Zabon


– Upper Class Bum

– Pointing At The Mirror

– Jobless Opportunities

DISTANT ABUSE - "Gargoyles" (2018)

– (Cold of Ruins) Холод руин 

– (Born to Crawl) Рожденный ползать

– (Distant Abuse) Дистанционное насилие

ABATTOIR BLUES - s/t EP (2018)

– Hypocrite

– Absolve

– Dead Tradition

AVHATH - "The Avhath Rites" (2019)

– The Annual Horrors


INDOCTRINATE - "Failbringer" EP (2019)

– Paralysis By Choice


ODPISANI - "V/A Punk Rock Val 2018"

– Pištolo mon

DON GATTO - "Sawbotage" EP (2015)

– No Turning Back

IGNITE - "A War Against You" (2018, Epitaph records)

– This is War

Od koncertov:

(četrtek) 31. 1. Zagreb, Vintag Industrial Bar: Ignite, Shin;

(sobota) 2. 2. Gornja Radgona, MC: Odpisani, Don Gatto, The Insurgent;


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