13. 12. 2016 – 23.00

Fields Of War

Audio file

S U B W A Y  1 0 4 1 / 1 3 3 6 torek, 13/12.2016. ob 23-ih

Anhedoni (vidi fotku) iz Malma so izstrelili prvi demo, kot tudi melodični crusterji Mohan iz Kolumbije. EP imajo d-beaterji iz Čila, Hikikomori. Celovški Disclone imajo tudi nove posnetke, nov anarcho blackened crust band so Dissidence iz Nevade. D-beat crusterji Rotstrotter so iz D-towna (Denverja). Hitra in krupna je avstralsko-korejsko naveza Terania in Misawa. Balkan HC so Redound iz Sofije. Nov ep so poslali beograjski hardkorovci The Bridge. Od koncertov: Deafness By Noise.


ANHEDONI - Demo 2016

– Gråa dagar

– Sadist i uniform

MOHAN - s/t (2015)

– Rios de odio

– 200 dias de borracheras

CD JINGLE 22 (alerta)

HIKIKOMORI - s/t EP (2016)

– Corraleros de la mierda

– No eres especial por odiarte a ti mismo

- Deshonestas

DISCLONE  "End of the Line" (2016)

– Who's Terrorist Now?

– End of the Line

– Mother Nature

DISSIDENCE - "Fields of War" 7"EP (2016)

– Fields Of War

– Burial

ROTSTROTTER - V/A "Water Is Life" (2016, Chain reaction)

– Kill The Yield

The BRIDGE - "Dream Strong" EP (2016)

– Embrace Life

– Never Look Down

TERANIA - "No Shoes No Masters" split w/. Misawa (2016)

– Draw The Line

– Dead Is Dead


– Sweet & Sour

– HulKKK Hogan

– X-Pac Heat

REDOUND - "The Endgame" EP (2016)

– The Endgame

– They Come With Knives

DEAFNESS BY NOISE - "A Lon way Down" CD (2016)

– Means To An End


Od koncertov:

(petek) 16.12. Zagreb, Vintage Industrial Bar – 4. Rojstni dan: Deafness By Noise, Katran... 


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