25. 9. 2012 – 23.00

Fight With No Fear

Audio file

S U B W A Y 8 2 3 / 1 1 1 8 torek, 25/9.2012. ob 23-ih

Ajmo razlaz, takoj na začetku Subwaya, ki ga odpirajo Public Disgrace iz Pulja! Potem split ameriških crust bandov No Tomorrow in OilTanker. Gigz: Countdown To Armageddon, Warhead, F.U.K, Empty Hall Of Fame, Kacttus, Entrophia, Darko in Pasi.

PUBLIC DISGRACE - "Ajmo, razlaz!" CD, 2012

– Dosta!

- Sloboda govora i mržnje

– Bahati smradovi

– Takes No Victim

FRUSTRATION - "Paranoia & Regret" 7"EP, 2012

– The Line Between

– The Inevitabile Ride

OILTANKER - split w/ No Tomorrow, Profane Existence, 2012.

– Blind

– Sacriface

- Nightmare of Life


– Liars

– Haunted Dreams

– Never Ending War


– Fight With No Fear

– Suicide

- You In Corruption

F.U.K. - "Mean Eyed Girl" 7"EP, 2008

– I Knew It Was Wrong

- Mean Eyed Girl

COUNTDOWN TO ARMAGEDDON – "Through The Wires" LP, 2012

- Through The Wires

ENTROPIAH - "Cuantas vidas", CD, 2011

- Cuantas vidas

– Vértigo

EMPTY HALL OF FAME - "The Road" 7"EP, 2012,

– Dead Inside

KACTTUS- "Protests and Rebellions" CD, 2011

- Hostage

- Shoot To Kill

DARKO – "From Trust To Confirmity", 7EP, 2012.

- From Trust to Conformity

PASI - "Reci mi da li te boli" CD, 2012

– Oz

Od koncertov:

(sreda) 26.9. Ljubljana, Gromka: Warhead, FUK;

(sreda) 26.9. Koper, MKSMC: Empty Hall Of Fame, Kacttus, Entropiah, Upbeat Allstars, Darko;

(četrtek) 27.9. Ljubljana, Rog: Public Disgrace, Frustration;

(petek) 28.9. Cerkno, CMAK: Radiostorm, Grintawc, Vlasta Popović, Pridigarji, It's everyone else;


(sobota) 29.9. Kranj, Down Town; Pasi, The Mor(r)ons;


(nedelja) 30.9. Il. Bistrica, MKNŽ; Countdown to Armageddon;

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