22. 8. 2017 – 23.00

Sick Of Society

Audio file

S U B W A Y  1 0 7 7 / 1 3 5 2 torek, 22/8.2017. ob 23-ih

Giftigt Avfall s Švedske imajo nove posnetke, tako kot anarcho punkerji Angry Brigade (foto) iz Prage, melodični crusterji Gersang jr. z Balija, surovi politični crust punk iz Minneapolisa Geiger Counter, okorni hc punk Boudicca iz Melbourna, metal punk Disaxis iz Kanade ter crust'n'roll Duke Nukem iz Sankt Petersburga. Breka fest: Malignant Tumour, Billog in Shin



GIFTIGT AVFALL - "Katla" (2017)

– Korrupt system

– Feministattack

ANGRY BRIGADE - "No Gods No Masters" (2017)

– Warlords

– Myth Destroyer

GERSANG JR. - "Prithvi Dukkha" MC (2017)

– Genosida

– Fuck! Divide et impera

– Serakah

– War!!

GEIGER COUNTER - s/t LP (2017)

– Breed Specific Legislation

- Fear of Tomorrow

– Killing A Bigot

BOUDICCA - Demo 2017

– Boudicca's Daughter

– The Washing Woman

– Rut

DISAXIS - "Total Fucking Chaos" EP (2017)

– Sick of Society

– Peace Or Violence

DUKE NUKEM - s/t LP (Drunk With Power Records)

- Roar

– Insanity

MALIGNANT TUMOUR - "The Metallist" (2016)

- Missing Rebellion


- Uplifted

SHIN - "Metamorphosis" EP (2016)

– Dark Visions

Od koncertov:

(petek in sobota) 25.-26.8. Srednja Bistrica, X. Breka Fest: Malignant Tumour, Reach, Shin, Kreshesh nepitash, Panicka...


Več o koncertih http://slovenski-punk-rock-portal.blogspot.si

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