8. 9. 2015 – 23.00

They Still Ignore Peaceful Protest

Audio file

S U B W A Y 9 7 5 / 1 2 7 0   torek, 8/9.2015. ob 23-ih

Založba Up The Punx! je objavila split EP bandov Days of Desolation in Social Crisis. Nov album imajo anarho punkerji Exilent kot Đornata. Indonezijski Avhath so poslali svoj novi split tokrat z Violence of Crusade. Od koncertov: portlandski Warcry in Red Dons; Wish Upon A Star in Bandage; A Hero Build in Darko.

DAYS OF DESOLATION - split EP w/Social Crisir (Up The Punx! Records, 2015)
- Crimson

– Perpetual Gaza


– Przeklęci

– Problemy pierwszego świata

- Czarne karty

EXILENT - "Signs of Devastation" LP 2015 

They Still Ignore Peaceful Protest

– Fear

– Business U.ses Y.ou

– If Rights Exist On Papers Only

ĐORNATA - "Disorder" 2015

– Disorder

– Brain donor (Disorder)

– System

- All We Need

AVHATH - split MC w/. Violence of Crusade

– Frightened Theet

– Hell's Glare


- Hitam

WARCRY - "Savage Machinery" LP (2014).

– Nuclear Virucide

– Wound Cuts Deep

RED DONS – "The Dead Hand Of Tradition"

The Dead Hand Of Tradition

WISH UPON A STAR - "Through Tick and Thin" CD 2015

– Written in Action

BANDAGE - "North by Northeast" CD 2014

– Layers

A HERO BUILD - "Prospects" EP 2015

- Choke

DARKO - "Sea of Trees" CD 2014 

– Atlas to Atlantis

Od koncertov:

(nedelja) 13.9. Ajdovščina, Ave: Darko, A Hero Build;

(ponedeljek) 14.9. Il. Bistrica, MKNŽ: Warcry, Red Dons;

(ponedeljek) 14.9. Ljubljana, Gromka: Wish Upon A Star, Bandage, Mor(r)ons;

(torek) 15.9. Ljubljana, Gromka: Darko, A Hero Build, White Stain;

(torek) 15.9. Zagreb, Medika – Distort Zagreb Fest Vol. 1.: Warcry, Left To Starve, Pakt, Disbaja;

(sreda) 16.9. Zagreb, Medika – Distort Zagreb Fest Vol. 1.: Red Dons, Nervosas, Pale Angels, Ill Wind;

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