20. 6. 2023 – 13.15

Bard brez lutnje

Audio file

Ignacio Perini je argentinski slam pesnik, novinar, producent, literarni urednik in dunajski "bullshit god".

Hkrati je eden izmed redkih slam pesnikov danes, ki lahko rečejo, da se s poezijo ukvarjajo profesionalno, za preživetje, kakršnokoli naj že bo preživetje od poezije.

Na svoji tokratni turi po Evropi se je na RŠu oglasil na čik in klepet o etičnih in estetskih pesniških dilemah.



Standing in front of the sink in a bar bathroom I wonder why I wash my hands after I pee and not before. My hands were dirty, my penis was clean (I took a shower in the morning and put on a new pair of underwear). Now I dirtied my penis and, on top of that, I have to wash my hands just because people are disgusted by the idea of suffering "passive dick syndrome”. They don't mind being touched by hands full of microbes from public transportation, door handles… but God forbid they get touched by a hand that touched a penis. I finally wash my hands. By now, it's been already about 5 minutes and the person waiting outside definitely thinks I'm taking a shit. And it's not that it bothers me that he pictures me shitting, it's just the fact that it's not true; my problem is not one of aesthetics but ethics.


[From the poem “Wet Reiki” or “The Problem of Smoking Joints and Attempting to go to Public Bathrooms"]


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