8. 2. 2014 – 18.00

emo is a type of music not a pair of jeans or a haircut

Audio file

V današnji oddaji gremo približno 10 let nazaj v čas... v svet metroseksualcev, emotov in hipsterjev. Tuhtamo tezo, ki se je Pilotu rodilo v glavi med vremensko pogojenim hišnim priporom, ki je minil v znamenju YouTube nostalgiziranja: "If hipsters didn't exist, we'd have to invent them."

...What I'm saying is maybe they don't and maybe we did.

*This show is not about emotional hardcore (or screamo or emo violence or emocore or shoegaze) music.

**hvala YouTube uporabniku itsthatsebguy93 za naslov oddaje.


Leteči Pilot... now also available in new, snack-size Tweet form... @LeteciPilot

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