Ultimate Leteči Pilot XIII Core+ Arcade Edition Extend... Cum grano salis
"1. 8.95
($8.95) The price those crazy Canadians wanted street fighter AE fans to pay to watch their stream of a tournament Major in 720 HD definition. It was totally unfair so people now use this as a troll reference.
I give that fail an 8.95 out of ten.
8.95% of the people in this stream are noobs.
Canadians love street fighter AE so much they charge 8.95 for it."
- www.urbandictionary.com, vnos pod "8.95"
"Friends don't let friends play online."
- Kekknov podpis na forumu pretep.si
Za zadnji let pred poletnimi počitnicami je Pilot pripravil pogovor z vodilnim predstavnikom slovenske pretepaške skupnosti, Josipom Gudićem, aka Kekken. Za vse pretepače in za vse tiste, ki mi niste verjeli teh 100+ krat ko sem rekel, da so videoigrice lahko tudi širše zanimive.
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