17. 12. 2012 – 23.00

OM 8 - Trans Europa Express: Grozni - Lizbona

Audio file

Important message: Ouve isso com fones de ouvido. (Listen to this shyet with headphones on your head)

"Concentrate on the Driver" (author of the photograph)

“On the logical plane, the Manichaeism of the settler produces a Manichaeism of the native. To the theory of the ‘absolute evil of the native’ the theory of the ‘absolute evil of the settler' replies.” (Frantz Fanon)

"Also psychologically I think that the higher frequency sounds are so much more personal, in the sense that they affect your head, your face, your ears, your teeth – you don’t really feel them in your stomach or your knees like bass sounds, and I always liked that, how treble really attacks the person not in a physical way but in a mental way, because it addresses their head. Like when you think of someone you think of their face, identity is so linked to your face and your speech, and your eyes." (Dominick Fernow)

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