15. 11. 2012 – 22.30

Show 398: antipodean field

Audio file

radia season 29, show #398 (radio one 91FM. dunedin, new zealand), playing from november 12 to november 18, 2012.

Antipodean Field: constellations from Kings rapid.

by David Haines

“This piece was recorded in Dunedin New Zealand and in the Blue Mountains of

New South Wales, Australia. I thought I would climb Mt Analogue with this

piece, instead I found a deep and dark sandstone gorge. This is where I

live, not far from the Wollemi, which for the local indigenous people

translates as “look out country”. Electro-acoustic and electromagnetic

undulations tear open the firmament to reveal a thin sliver of the multiple

scales of an infernal roar.”

David Haines

David Haines lives in the Blue Mountains, Australia. He was born in London in 1966. His practice in contemporary art is diverse and he has shown his installations in galleries and museums internationally and throughout Australasia. His work encompasses all forms of installation, including working with sound, aroma and digital technology. He is also known for his collaborations with Joyce Hinterding that have won several awards and been shown Internationally including the Sao Paulo Biennale 2004. He is represented by Breenspace.

additional sound : Joyce Hinterding

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