10. 4. 2014 – 22.30

Show 470: The Exquisite Corpse by various producers

Audio file

The first Campus Paris programme for the Radia network is a cadavre exquis or exquisite corpse inspired by the Surrealist game invented in Paris in 1925. It is similar to  the game Consequences in which players write in turn on a sheet of paper, fold it to conceal part of the writing, and then pass it to the next player for a further contribution. This version takes the exquisite body not only as technique but also the inspiration for the piece. Regular Campus Paris contributors have teamed together to produce a series of short audio sequences and will only hear the whole programme at the end when the segments are unfolded and revealed to the listener.

Face & Brain by Mélanie Péclat

Chest & Arms by Joyce Conroy-Aktouche & François Bordonneau

Stomach : Charles-Henri Despeignes.

Legs & Feet by Marine Beccarelli & Lise Come

Skin & Bones by Charlène Nouyoux

Special thanks to Dinah Bird, indispensable oxygen.

Featuring young Kothari, still in utero (it’s a boy!)



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