28. 5. 2015 – 23.59

Show 529: double trouble

Audio file

Show 529: double trouble (XLAIR)

Posted on 2015/05/18 by dieter

This show has two parts:

PART 1 (0’00″-11’00″)

Départ, Arrivée

by Amber Meulenijzer, Lukas De Clerck, Lise Bonduelle

Temperature influences the speed at wich sounds travels.
We created a space where it gets colder and colder at one side, while at the other side it gets hotter and hotter. Two systems created by one microwave oven and one fridge. In turn, they create at their hand an ominous, mysterious feeling where the sound has to travel trough. Sounds will travel faster, slower, become one or disappear in the inertia of space.

PART 2 (11’00-28’00) =


by Dieter Van Dam, Alma Soderberg and Hendrik Willekens

this piece is an excerpt from a radio remix of the voice performance ‘Idioter’ by choreographer Alma Soderberg & musician Hendrik Willekens. Together they create a concert performance in which Willekens’ music supports Söderberg’s bodily movements and voice. She plays with syllables, intonation, cadence, gestures and dream language - creating a play between intensity and rhythm. The focus is on the flow. In addition the work includes drawings by Willekens: geometric landscapes that disappear into a single vanishing point. He makes these drawings over and over again whereby the expansion of the landscape becomes a theme in the work; each time the viewer is drawn towards the same ‘nothingness’.The audio was recorded in Het Stuk in Leuven on February 19th of this year. The sound recordings were then remixed with both influences for the performance and associated sounds by the artist.


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