5. 10. 2023 – 22.30

Show 966: If you love me, you can tell me by Elektro Kultura (Kanal 103)

Audio file

Greatest Hits by Elektro Kultura

Elektro Kultura is the solo project by Vladimir Muratovski Divo – a punk and social poet hailing from the streets of Skopje, Macedonia.

On Skopje’s Liberation Day (13.11.2022), he had his second, long awaited live performance at Kanal 103 radio. After he finished his repertoire, the packed crowd in the studio wanted for more. He briefly answered: “Real punks don’t do encore”.

This is the slightly edited recording of our little off programme afterparty.


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Prazen radio ne stoji pokonci! Podpri RŠ in omogoči produkcijo alternativnih, kritičnih in neodvisnih vsebin.

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