18. 6. 2016 – 12.00


Audio file

V junijski oddaji Sektor Ž bomo spregovorile o več vrstah eksilov.

Nekaj feministk smo povprašale o izkušnjah z delovanjem v različnih avtonomnih prostorih. Ob tem se bomo naslonile tudi na javno debato "LGBTIQ in avtonomni prostori", ki je nedavno potekala v sklopu festivala ROGoviljenje v Avtonomni tovarni Rog.

V nadaljevanju se bomo dotaknile eksila, v katerem v Sloveniji pristanejo migrantke, begunke in prosilke za azil. V dveh intervjujih z aktivistkama se bo predstavila samonikla Skupina za vključevanje migrantk in prosilk za azil, ki se je pred več meseci osnovala v Avtonomni tovarni Rog, hkrati pa bomo raziskale tudi kompleksni položaj migrantk, žrtev nasilja v družini.

Sledijo feministične napovedi in novice.

Junijsko oddajo pripravljava Tea Hvala in Teja Oblak.

Vabljene_i k poslušanju!

*Na sliki grafit na steni Socialnega centra Rog, Avtonomna tovarna Rog.



Integration of migrant women, feminist & LGBTIQA autonomous spaces

In June´s edition of feminist radio show Sector F, we will focus on various exiles.

First, we will interview several feminist activists about their work experience in autonomous spaces and report about the public debate “LGBTIQ and autonomous spaces” which recently occured at ROGoviljenje Festival at Autonomous Factory Rog.  

Next, we will address the specific exiles in which migrant women, both refugees and asylum seekers, have found themselves in Slovenia. We’ll interview two activists from the self-organised “Group for inclusion of refugee, migrant and asylum seeking women” which sprang up at Autonomous Factory Rog in the last months. They’ll also discuss the highly complex situation of migrant women who are victims of domestic violence.

Some feminist news and announcements will follow.

June´s radio show is prepared by Tea Hvala and Teja Oblak.

Tune in!

*Picture: graffiti from the wall of Social Centre Rog, Autonomous Factory Rog.


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