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How to Use the Easy Climber Elevator


The Easy Climber Elevator works very much like elevators you’ve used in shopping malls, airports, office buildings and apartment buildings. It’s easy to use.

If you’re on one floor and your elevator is on another, no problem: Simply press and hold the call button on the wall, and it will be on its way. Then slide the gliding door open and step inside. You’ll notice the non-skid surfaces on the entrance and cab floors; those are there for your safety. Slide the door closed, lock it and press and hold the button until you reach your desired floor. The elevator stops moving as soon as you release the button, or when the cab reaches its destination.

[How the Home Elevator Battery is Used]

Elevators use for Dummies



This article tells you on how to properly use elevators, without damaging them or delaying other people.



Conventional elevators

This section also include destination dispatch elevators with destination dispatch control panel only on some floors.

1. Walk towards the elevator lobby. Make sure to read the sign to be sure that the elevator you will take goes to your desired floor.

2. Press the call buttons according to the desired direction.

3. In some elevator brands like Mitsubishi, the lanterns will be lit in the predicted elevator to arrive. You can walk to the predicted elevator to wait.

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Press the call buttons.

[Mitsubishi New Fixtures]

Watch the directional indicators.

[Mitsubishi Lanterns]

Watch the lanterns.

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4. Wait for an elevator to arrive. Make sure to watch the lanterns/directional indicators to be sure that the elevator you will take goes to the desired direction.

5. Walk into the elevator, select your desired floor on the keypad or the panel, and then press the door close button to close the doors. If there are many people taking the elevator, you should walk towards inside the elevator to make room for other people.

[LINE Elevator generic buttons]

Press the door close button.


Keep watching the floor indicator.

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6. Stay calm when in the elevator. Keep watching the floor indicator until you reach your desired floor.

7. When you have reached your desired floor, the doors will open automatically, otherwise press the door open button to open the doors.

[Louser Lift buttons Panti Trisula Perwari JKT]

Press the door open button.

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8. Walk out of the elevator.

Destination dispatch elevators

Main article: Elevator Destination Dispatch

1. Walk towards the elevator lobby. Make sure to read the sign to be sure that the elevator you will take goes to the floor you want to go.

2. Key in or touch your desired floor, then walk to the allocated elevator to wait.

[OTIS Compass Hall Screen]

Touch your desired floor.

[OTIS Compass car S display]

Walk to the allocated elevator.

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3. Wait for the elevator to arrive. Make sure to watch the lanterns/directional indicators to be sure that the elevator you will take goes to the desired direction, and watch the elevator number/letter to be sure that the elevator you will take is the allocated elevator.

4. Walk into the elevator. Make sure to watch the destination indicator, or the floor buttons if present, to be sure that the elevator will go to your desired floor.

[OTIS Compass destination display on door jamb]

Watch the destination indicator.

[OTIS Compass fixtures button]

Press the door close button.

[Screen Shot 2012-08-01 at 12.15.21 PM]

Keep watching the floor indicator.

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5. If sure that the elevator will go to the floor you want, press the door close button to close the doors, if not, walk out of the elevator then key in or touch your desired floor again, then go back to step 3.

6. Stay calm when in the elevator. Keep watching the floor indicator until you reach your desired floor.

7. When you have reached your desired floor, the doors will open automatically, otherwise press the door open button to open the doors.

8. Walk out of the elevator.

If you're stuck in the elevator

1. Do not panic and stay calm. Press the alarm or phone button.

2. If you pressed the alarm or phone button and hear someone (that are not in the elevator) talking, talk to them. They will probably help you.


The elevator has a set of controls on the walls at each landing and inside the cab. Whether operating the controls on the wall or from inside the cab, the process is the same: Simply press and hold the call buttons to move the elevator. As soon as you release pressure, the cab stops moving. This is a safety feature that is required by law for any home elevator.

These are the buttons and switches on the inside control panel:



Emergency stop and alarm

Key lockout switch (prevents unauthorized use)

Status indicator light (green means “all systems normal”)

Light switch (turns on the cabs interior LED light)

here has been much debate recently about the acceptability of using elevator keys to mess about with the elevators controls. This includes both elevator keys and elevator door keys. Owning elevator keys is completely legal, but use can be against the law depending on what you use the key for (and on which country or state you are in). The issue has caused quite a lot of conflict between elevator enthusiasts, as some people argue that the continued use of keys is making the elevator community look bad, and that they are setting bad example to minors. Others disagree with the claims of non-key users.

Ultimately, whether you like to use elevator keys or not, you should not be having arguments about it with people who think differently to you. If you want to use elevator keys, that is your choice and you should totally do what you want to do (it is not up to anybody else to stop you)!


Andrew Reams (DieselDucy) has also mentioned that a lot of elevator engineers are aware of Elevator photographers and are very concerned about their activities. He stated that many of the engineers he spoke with were of the impression that elevator enthusiasts were idiots, due to their inappropriate behavior with elevator keys. Andrew said that he could see why the engineers thought that way and agreed with many of them.

Definition of "Elevator Key"

Elevator keys are used for service and firefighting purpose. Elevator keys are also used by engineers to maintain or control the elevators using various special modes. They can also be used to restrict the use of elevator.

Elevator Door Keys are used to unlock and manually open the landing doors of an elevator for the purposes of Maintenance, or to rescue people trapped inside the elevator. Elevator door keys include: Drop Key, Triangle Key, V Key, U Key and any other device used to open elevator landing doors.

Actions involving Elevator Key usage:

Below is a list of actions that are considered "tampering" with working elevators. There is nothing stopping you from doing these, but please take extra care when doing these to stay out of trouble.

> Use of elevator keys to open an inspection cabinet, turn off fans, play with lights, etc. or to put the elevator into independent service is considered "tampering". These operations don't usually cause trouble, but please take care and remember to reset the elevator to how you found it.

How the Battery is Used

There is no need to worry about recharging the batteries that operate your elevator. There are charging stations on both floors. There’s also a built-in feature that converts gravity into kinetic energy, charging the battery during the cab’s descent. If the power goes out in your area, you’ll still be able to use the elevator about 10 times up or down. If you anticipate the electricity being down for more than several hours, we recommend that you turn off the reset switch between trips; this will maximize your battery’s life.


Elevator Pitch Examples and Writing Tips





[meeting in elevator]




Updated November 25, 2018

What's an elevator pitch, and how can it help your career? An elevator pitch (which is also called an elevator speech) is a quick synopsis of your background and experience. The reason it's called an elevator speech is that you should be able to present it during a brief elevator ride. Done right, this short speech helps you introduce yourself to career connections in a compelling way. 

What's In an Elevator Pitch?

This speech is all about you: who you are, what you do, and what you want to do (if you're job hunting).

Your elevator pitch is a way to share your expertise and credentials quickly and effectively with people who don't know you.

Read on for guidelines for what to include in your speech, when to share it, and examples of elevator pitches.


Press the alarm button.

[Phone button]

Press the phone button.


The elevator mechanic talks to trapped passengers inside the elevator.

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3. If there is a list of telephone numbers that can be called if you stuck in the elevator affixed inside the cab, you can try calling them.

If there is no numbers listed or the number is unreachable, call the fire brigade.

[Picture 003]

List of telephone numbers to be called if stuck in the elevator

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4. Do not open the doors and come out of the elevator by yourself, as you may fall down to the shaft.


The elevator mechanic opens the doors to help trapped passengers.


You may fall down to the shaft if you come out by yourself.


The elevator mechanics release the brake to bring the elevator to level with the floor.

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5. The elevator mechanic may bring the elevator to level with the floor, so don't panic if the elevator moves on its own. See this for more details.

6. When the doors are opened, walk out of the elevator.

In case of emergency

Power failure

In case of power failure, the elevator will be returned to the lobby or specified floor when emergency power is detected. Exit the elevator when doors open. If this does not happen, stay calm. Press the alarm of phone button (if working). If these buttons are not working due to the lack of power, try to get the attention of a person to let them know you are trapped. Follow the safety instruction from "If You're Stuck In the Elevator" (above).

Fire or earthquake

If you are not in an elevator, do not use elevators. Use stairs to escape.

If fire or earthquake occurs when you are in an elevator, do not panic. The elevator will be returned to the recall floor. Exit the elevator and use stairs to escape.

I create illustrations for websites and brands. My passion is coming up with creative ways to express a message, and drawing illustrations that people share on social media.

I'm a lawyer with the government, based out of D.C. I grew up in Ohio, though, and I'm looking to relocate closer to my roots, and join a family-friendly firm. I specialize in labor law and worked for ABC firm before joining the government.

My name is Sarah, and I run a trucking company. It's a family-owned business, and we think the personal touch makes a big difference to our customers. Not only do we guarantee on-time delivery, but my father and I personally answer the phones, not an automated system.


How to Use Home Elevator Door]

How to Use the Door

Unlike most elevators, Easy Climber is equipped with a gliding door, which is safer and more attractive. The door is equipped with a safety switch. If the door is not fully closed and locked, the safety switch prevents the cab from moving.

[How to Use Home Elevator Buttons]

How to use the Elevator Buttons

When and How to Use an Elevator Speech

If you're job searching, you can use your elevator pitch at job fairs and career expos, and online in your LinkedIn summary or Twitter bio, for example. An elevator speech is a great way to gain confidence in introducing yourself to hiring managers and company representatives.

You can also use your elevator pitch to introduce yourself at networking events and mixers. If you're attending professional association programs and events, or any other type of gathering, have your pitch ready to share with those you meet.

Your elevator pitch can be used during job interviews, especially when you're asked about yourself. Interviewers often begin with the question, "Tell me about yourself" — think of your elevator pitch as a super-condensed version of your response to that request.

What to Say

Illustration by Maddy Price. © The Balance, 2018

Your elevator speech should be brief. Restrict the speech to 30 to 60 seconds — that's the time it takes to ride an elevator, hence the name. You don't need to include your entire work history and career objectives.

You need to be persuasive. Even though it's a short pitch, your elevator speech should be persuasive enough to spark the listener's interest in your idea, organization, or background.

Share your skills. Your elevator pitch should explain who you are and what qualifications and skills you have. Try to focus on assets that add value in many situations. This is your chance to brag a bit — avoid sounding boastful but do share what you bring to the table. 

Practice, practice, practice. The best way to get comfortable with an elevator speech is to practice it until the speed and “pitch” come naturally, without sounding robotic. You will become comfortable varying the conversation as you practice with it.

Try saying your speech to a friend, or record it. This will help you know if you are staying within the time limit and giving a coherent message. 

Be flexible. You aren’t interviewing for a specific position, so you want to appear open-minded and flexible. It’s your chance to make a great first impression with a potential employer.

Mention your goals. You don't need to get too specific. An overly targeted goal isn't helpful since your pitch will be used in many circumstances, and with many different types of people. But do remember to say what you're looking for. For instance, you might say, "a role in accounting" or "an opportunity to apply my sales skills to a new market" or "to relocate to San Francisco with a job in this same industry." 

Know your audience, and speak to them. In some cases, using jargon can be a powerful move — it demonstrates your industry knowledge. But be wary of using jargon during an elevator pitch, particularly if you're speaking to recruiters, who may find the terms unfamiliar and off-putting. 

Have a business card ready. If you have a business card, offer it at the end of the conversation as a way to continue the dialog. A copy of your resume, if you're at a job fair or professional networking event, will also show your enthusiasm and preparedness.

What Not to Say and Do During Your Elevator Speech

Don't speak too fast. Yes, you only have a short time to convey a lot of information. But don't try to fix this dilemma by speaking quickly. This will just make it hard for listeners to absorb your message. 

Avoid rambling. This is why it's so important to practice your elevator speech.

While you don't want to over-rehearse, and subsequently sound stilted, you also don't want to have unfocused or unclear sentences in your pitch or get off-track. 

Don't frown, or speak in a monotone. Here's one of the downsides to rehearsing: it can leave you more focused on remembering the exact words you want to use, and less on how you're carrying yourself. Keep your energy level high, positive, and enthusiastic.

Modulate your voice to keep listeners interested, and keep your facial expression friendly. 

Don't restrict yourself to a single elevator pitch. Maybe you're interested in pursuing two fields — public relations and content strategy. Many of your communication skillswill apply to both those fields, but you'll want to tailor your pitch depending on who you are speaking to. You may also want to have a more casual, personal pitch prepared for social settings. 

Elevator Pitch Examples

Use these examples as guidelines in crafting your own elevator pitch. Make sure your speech includes details on your background, as well as what you'd provide an employer.

I recently graduated from college with a degree in communications. I worked on the college newspaper as a reporter, and eventually, as the editor of the arts section. I'm looking for a job that will put my skills as a journalist to work.

I have a decade's worth of experience in accounting, working primarily with small and midsize firms. If your company is ever in need of an extra set of hands, I'd be thrilled to consult.

My name is Bob, and after years of working at other dentists' offices, I'm taking the plunge and opening my own office. If you know anyone who's looking for a new dentist, I hope you'll send them my way!


> Putting an elevator into fire service mode without authorization is usually safe, however, some (but not all) elevator systems have their fire service mode linked to a fire alarm system or another device that could summon the fire department (fire brigade) upon activation of fire service mode. Summoning the fire services when there is no actual emergency can get you into a lot of trouble, so take extra care.

> Using an elevator key, pass card or any other method to access a restricted floor(s) in an elevator without permission is considered breaking and entering, which can get you sent to prison/jail. Take care when doing this and make sure to not get caught.

Always check your surroundings and look out for CCTV cameras. No matter which action you do.

As you can see, the Easy Climber home elevator operates much like any elevator.

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