14. 11. 2016 – 11.00

Seznam skladb za 14. 11. 2016, 11.00 - 15.00 (Brigita Gračner)


1. Leonard Cohen - First We Take Manhattan (06:01)

2. Tindersticks - Were We Once Lovers (4:49)

3. Mission Of Burma - That's When I Reach For My Revolver

4. Bernays Propaganda – Armija (3:14)

5. Sonic Youth - Youth Against Fascism (3:36)

6. Hella Comet – Sid (3:18) Z novega albuma Locust Valley, ki ga bo v četrtek (17.11.) v Tolpi bumov predstavila Brigita Gračner.

7. Olfamož - Hupam, da ste dobro (3:48)

8. Charlie Feathers - That Certain Female (3:01)

9. Tomaz Pengov - Druga Jesen (3:49)

10. Dom La Nena – Golondrina (3:14)

11. Lole Y Manuel - Tu Mira (4:00)

12. Brencl banda - Puna luna (3:04)

13. Lou Reed - Sattelite Of Love (3:42)

14. Amor Belhom Duo - Fucking And Songs (4:51)

15. Cortex – Cerebrum (6:35)

16. Saul Williams feat. Haleek Maul - All Coltrane Solos at Once (3:23)

17. The Glitch Mob - A Dream Within a Dream (5:21)

18. Autolux - Hamster Suite (3:03)

19. Bon Iver - 10 d E A T h b R E a s T (2:24) Z novega albuma 22, A Million, ki ga bo v Tolpi bumov v ponedeljek (21. 11.) predstavil Matic Urbanc.

20. Belmont Lacroix - Monetize Your Love (3:32)

21. Black Barakuda - The White Mamba (2:44) Koncert  17. 11.: Black Barakuda @ Prulček Bar, Ljubljana

22. Izvir – Oblak (5:08)

23. Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band - Ant Man Bee (3:56)

24. Dinovski-Schuberth – Fatonk (4:41)

25. Nina Bulatovix - Ti jaz boš bom govorila, sprehajal (2:58)

26. Coma Stereo – Iskra (3:06)

27. Gaytheist - I Quit - Live from the Banana Stand (2:05)

28. Suzi   Soprano – Poletna mrzlica (2:50) Koncert 18. 11.: Repetitor, Suzi Soprano @ MC Krško, Krško in 19. 11.: Lynch & Suzi Soprano @ MKK, Črnomelj

29. Yeasayer - I Am Chemistry (5:01)

30. The Knife – Heartbeats (3:51)

31. Bear Hands - I Won't Pay (2:55)

32. Sekuoia – Rek (3:59)

33. Aesop Rock – Supercell (3:50)

34. Hexvessel - Drugged Up On The Universe (3:40)

35. The Dessert Sessions - Johnny the Boy (4:30)

36. The Ghen - Honest Evil (5:28) Koncert 17. 11: Domorodni četrtek: The Ghen & Poslušalnica 69: Primož Vozelj @ Gala Hala, Ljubljana

37. Moe - Wild Horses (5:33)

38. Alberta Cross - Crate of Gold (3:03)

39. Helen Money - Become Zero (2:54) Z novega albuma Become Zero, ki ga bo v Tolpi bumov v sredo (16. 11.) predstavil Jaša Bužinel.

40. Death Grips – Beware (5:52)

41. John Medeski and Matthew Shipp - St. Clare's Hospital (3:40)

42. The Pineapple Thief - In Exile (5:10)

43. BadBadNotGood - Can't Leave The Night (4:40)

44. Moveknowledgement – Hands (6:50)

45. The Telescopes – Moog Destroya (4:53) Koncert 20. 11.: The Telescopes, Ingrit Schüller @ Channel Zero, Ljubljana

46. U.S. Maple - The State is Bad (4:40)

47. Dicky B. Hardy – Domovina naša je svobodna (3:02)

48. Buldožer – Novo Vrijeme (4:10)

49. Otrovna Kristina – Demon (3:22)

50. Stoned Jesus – Indian (5:00)





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