Dr. Svoboda in dr. Šmarčan nam bosta tokrat spregovorila o njuni zadnji invaciji poimenovani "GLAVOLOV" ali kadrovski lov na študentske glave. Kje so lovišča in krmišča, kdo koga tukaj lovi, zakaj stegovati glave z upognjeno dušo in kako se ponuditi v zasedo boste zvedeli v tokratni oddaji PUKP.
DEFINITION of 'Headhunter'
A headhunter is hired by firms to find talent, and to locate individuals who meet specific job requirements. Headhunters may have a pool of candidates for specific positions, or may act aggressively to find talent by looking at competitors' employees. A headhunter is retained to fill positions, often for jobs that require high skills levels, or offer high pay. Headhunters working on behalf of a firm often scour international organizations for top talent. In comparison to job fairs, headhunters seek individuals based on their skill level, not potential employees based on looser skill classes.
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