26. 1. 2023 – 12.00

Solidarno z gibanjem v gozdu Weelaunee v ZDA

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Izjava Anarhistične Pobude Ljubljana: Solidarnost z gibanjem v gozdu Weelaunee v ZDA - celoten prispevek The Final Straw podcasta in več povezav

Klic v Sofijo: Antifašistična mobilizacija Anti-lukovmarsh - 25.2. 2023. NO NAZIS ON OUR STREETS 2023 DEMO in Sofia, Bulgaria - letna protidemonstracija proti enemu največjih mednarodnih nazi shodov - LukovMarch, ki že 20 let poteka v Sofiji.

Pogovor z tovariši iz Budimpešte o prihajajoči antifašistični mobilizaciji -11. 2. 2023, ob 11h.

Podpiramo pobudo Druk! radikalnega tiskarskega kolektiva - kolektiv je izgubil prostore in opremo z evikcijo solunskega skvota Terra Incognita. Svoje delo želijo nadaljevati za kar zbirajo sredstva. Podrpe se jih lahko na Firefundu.


Izjava Anarhistične Pobude Ljubljana: Solidarnost z gibanjem v gozdu Weelaunee v ZDA

Med poskusom nasilne evikcije okupacije gozda Weelaunee, ki ga antiavtoritarno gibanje pred uničenjem brani že od aprila 2021, je policija prejšnji teden umorila anarhista Manuela Terana – Tortuguito. To je še ena nasilna smrt pod policijskimi streli, ki se v ZDA dogajajo na dnevni bazi, in so plod sistematičnega nasilja in rasizma. Po Manuelovem umoru se je v ZDA zvrstila vrsta protestov proti policijskemu nasilju, ki so bili večinoma nasilno zatrti.

Oblasti v Atlanti na jugu ZDA poskušajo gozd že slabi dve leti posekati in namesto njega tam zgraditi večmiljonski trening center za policijo. Tovrstna investicija bo poleg uničenja zelenih pljuč mesta Atlanta močno povečala militarizacijo tamkajšnje policije. Kaj to prinaša, je jasno pokazala kampanja, ki jo policija že mesece vodi proti protestnikom. Te je skladno s tradicijo, ki je na jugu ZDA poznana že od obračunov proti nasprotnikom suženjstva, označila za zunanje agitatorje. Nekaj jih je obtožila terorizma, nad njimi pa je tudi redno izvajala poskuse izjemno nasilnih evikcij in aretacij. Na koncu je enega izmed njih tudi umorila.

Boj proti policijskemu nasilju in borba za ohranitev prvobitnih gozdov ni lokalna tema. Dotika se vseh, ki svoja telesa zastavljajo za drugačen svet, v katerem logika dobička, ki ga brani represivni aparat države, ni edina logika življenja. Zato izražamo solidarnost z branilkami in branitelji gozda Weelaunee. Za življenje, ne smrt! Za drevesa, ne beton!


NO NAZIS ON OUR STREETS 2023 DEMO in Sofia, Bulgaria

We would like to invite you all to the NO NAZIS ON OUR STREETS 2023 DEMO in Sofia, Bulgaria - the annual counter-demo against the biggest international neo-nazi gathering that takes place every year in Sofia for 20 years in a row now - LukovMarch. LukovMarch tends to be announced on one of the Saturdays in February, closest to Lukov’s death, which is 13th February, but this year it has been announced for 25th February. The date of our demo will be on the same date of the nazi march as usual. This year we will try to make our demo closer to the nazi one - later in the day, or more like in the evening (not how we usually have been doing it at noon).We would be grateful if you can join the counter demo that we organize.

With solidarity,

Antifa Sofia


Antifašistična mobilizacija Budimpešta

The Bulgarian capital Sofia hosts an annual Nazi parade in honour of Nazi collaborator Hristo Lukov. In Riga, Latvia, an annual parade is also held on 16 March in honour of the Latvian Waffen SS. In Bleiburg-Pliberk, Austria, tens of thousands of people gather annually to commemorate the Croatian fascists of the Ustaša. And in Berlin, Ingelheim or Wunsiedel, a procession is held in memory of the National Socialist Rudolf Hess. At the beginning of February, thousands of Nazis from all over Europe gather annually in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, on the "Day of Honour" to commemorate the Waffen-SS and their Hungarian allies.

The glorification of National Socialism and its allies, and the relativisation and denial of the Shoah, have been central themes of the far right since 1945, not only in Germany and Austria. In particular, in some post-socialist states of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, historical revisionist and Nazi glorification events have become established since the 1990s, with Nazis from all over Europe taking part.

The "Stop Nazi Glorification" campaign aims to stop historical revisionist marches in Europe!

On 11 February, the fascists wanted to commemorate the failed breakout attempt of the SS and the Hungarian army in 1945. Only a few hundred of the 70,000 troops achieved their goal, the rest were captured or killed.

Since 1997, far-right organisations have been organizing this with international support. Blood and honour, die rechte and III. Weg also appear in Budapest, because here the state does not suppress the fascists. Wearing uniforms and authoritarian symbols, although not allowed, is completely tolerated on the streets.

Although commemorations have always been banned since 2020, they can legally appear and march in the form of a sports event or press conference.


Druck! Press Collective

Druck! Press Collective was formed in 2013 and in July 2014 the machinery was installed in Terra Incognita squat, formally beginning the collective’s operation. The last 7 years, until the eviction of the squat on August 17th, 2020, Druck! Press Collective operated against commercial relations and clientelism, aiming to promote the words and actions of the radical movement, hoping to bridge the gap between the need for printed expression and the political -as well as financial- obstacles that emerge when this need is not fulfilled within the movement itself.

The collective operated an offset press, with printing capabilities of up to 48x65 cm, as well as the necessary support machinery -paper guillotine, folding-stapling machine, etc- allowing us to meet larger printing quotas. That way, we managed to complete over 400 prints -posters, brochures, leaflets, stickers, books, etc.

The collective’s most satisfying accomplishment was being able to provide the possibility to print and spread political discourse to groups and people, who would otherwise not be able to do so. From political prisoners and collectives in rural areas or collectives facing repression, we helped them to retain their public presence. At the same time, we helped set up a similar press collective in the city of Ioannina (Self Organized Press Collective of Ioannina “Titivillus”), gifting them our first offset press, which is still operating today, meeting the needs of northwest greece.

When the eviction of Terra Incognita happened, we found ourselves homeless on the one hand and on the other, troubled about the future of Druck! So, we weighed the difficulties and insecurities and found them less than our desire to print again, less than our need for personal contact and quality time, less than our will to rebuild a place for communication.

Prazen radio ne stoji pokonci! Podpri RŠ in omogoči produkcijo alternativnih, kritičnih in neodvisnih vsebin.

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