100 decibelov

Oddaja s poslanstvom, v kateri predstavljamo domačo glasbeno sceno. Diskotečne, odrske, klubske in demo atrakcije v najbolj glasni oddaji Radia Študent. 


Novice in novo glasbo prejemamo tudi na naslov: fonoteka[at]radiostudent.si ali glasbeni.urednik[at]radiostudent.si


Redaktorji in redaktorice oddaje: Andrej Pervanje, Ema Erna Weber, Jan Kopač, Jaša Potočnik, Pavel Lipovšek, Pia Štarkl, Sofija Ivandič in Veronika Černe


Na sporedu vsak torek ob 12. uri. Čez poletje smo včasih na počitnicah.


Arhiv oddaj pred majem 2012 najdeš tukaj.

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29. 6. 2021 – 12.00
balans x .čunfa, RootsInSession, Trite kompilacija, LELEE, Hegel jazz, Bowrain, Tehnopolis, Koala Voice
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22. 6. 2021 – 12.00
Malamor, Vruja, Katalena, Kostanjev sekstet, Zlatko Kaučič, Symann Ulix
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15. 6. 2021 – 12.00
Psihedelavci, Lifecutter, Matej Magajne Band, Black Equalizer, Gašper Bertoncelj, Žabar
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8. 6. 2021 – 12.00
Lelee, Mirko Grozny, Greia, Noč, lowlander, Alleged Witches, Nina Dragičević in Brgs
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1. 6. 2021 – 12.00
Katja Šulc, Podvodo Records, Ichisan, ofnana_pesa, P'Jays, Bizarni brlog zvoka, Kavasutra in Senzorama
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25. 5. 2021 – 12.00
Senzorama, Drašler / Jackson, Nesesari Kakalulu, Lelee, Gašper Letonja, Chris Eckman, Dubdiggers
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18. 5. 2021 – 12.00
Psihedelavci, Marko Petrušič, viteamines, Cynism Management, ŠVAJS KOMANDER, dvidevat x nulla
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11. 5. 2021 – 12.00
Pretty Explosions, The Canyon Observer, Prinčič, Zalokar, Slowmotion Livestream, Lifecutter & Deconstructor
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4. 5. 2021 – 12.00
FIJI, Nowi, 1983, teeth, Hearth, Andri Way, Lil Bini, Martosaurus
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27. 4. 2021 – 12.00
Razglasitev rezultatov natečaja KM21, YILA, Doša, PTČ, Sign of the Devil in K:
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20. 4. 2021 – 12.00
Matter, INGRIT SCHŰLLER, lowlander, Bas in Glas, Ingver in Gverilke, Sovrag, Bojan Krhlanko
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13. 4. 2021 – 12.00
Bombyx Lori, Bizarni brlog zvoka, Nap, Luka Prinčič, Emkej, Backspace, Kanomotis
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6. 4. 2021 – 12.00
nibo, Kezz, Leopold I., Drill feat. Tschimy, Kiebitz & Uhu, birds of unknown, ŠKM Banda
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30. 3. 2021 – 12.00
Samo Šalamon, Slowmotion Livestream, Neuroth, ŠVAJS KOMANDER, Poetrix, Decair, Mr. Smith
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23. 3. 2021 – 12.00
Doša, nibo, corti collective, Zajtrk, Punkt.Vrt.Plastik, Slund, GMH
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16. 3. 2021 – 12.00
SBO, Morost, Sentido, Januš Aleš Luznar, pistol mustang, FLO
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9. 3. 2021 – 12.00
Rojpot, FLO, Ombak Trio, Fraw Blanka, Kanomotis, Borka, .travnik, SBO, Kaymart
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2. 3. 2021 – 12.00
Zajtrk, Monoscarves/Chemomorph, Morost, Ruin In Progress, Moggzmorian, Samo Šalamon, Downtown Recordings
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23. 2. 2021 – 12.00
Backspace, Arne Banki, Subliminal Distortion Treatment, Drago Sabian, PostArt Ensemble, cave talkers
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16. 2. 2021 – 12.00
Nowi ft. Krhlanko 116 123 ..., KLT by Whiteman feat. GF, Zludij, Madame Brumowski, JUNEsHELEN & Alja Petrič,..
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9. 2. 2021 – 12.00
Mirna Bogdanović, OYGN, Dubzilla, 162534, tovariš strmoglavljen, Morvern ...
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2. 2. 2021 – 12.00
DUF, Trio Lumi, Brgs, Malidah, consule, Opran Možgan/GRÜND, Žiga Murko
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26. 1. 2021 – 12.00
Rush to Relax, Nina Bulatovix, Blaž, hudbrotherhood, corti collective, Trio Lumi, kje so roke
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19. 1. 2021 – 12.00
morvern, Samo Šalamon, Ex Yu Elektronica, Guattari, vsemag, Tsujigiri