21. 12. 2012 – 21.00

Prelet 2012 prvič!

Audio file

Za uvod nekaj novosti - prihaja namreč mikstejp francoskega dvojca Souleance, vrtimo tudi Evil Needle in Bugseeda. Potem pa prvi pregled 2012... Quakers, Gangrene, Killer Mike, Kid Koala, THEESatisfaction, Traxman... Pestro torej.


1 Bugseed - Hibiscus

2 Evil Needle - Red And Simple

3 Souleance - Sauce Samourai

4 Action Bronson - Bitch I deserve You

5 Killer Mike - Reagan

6 Gangrene - Auralac Bags

7 Quakers - There it is

8 Menahan Street Band - Seven Is the Wind

9 Kid Koala - 2 bit Blues

10 THEESatisfaction - QueenS

11 Traxman - Itz Crack

12 Devonwho - shine (ft. Teeko)

13 Midnight Star - The Midas Touch (Hell Interface remix)


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