28. 8. 2024 – 23.00

D-LIGA #84

Audio file
Vir: LB
  1. SPECTRAL VOICE - Death's Knell Rings In Eternity
  2. BLOOD INCANTATION - Obliquity Of The Ecliptic 
  3. CLAUSTRUM - Hopeless Despair
  4. CLAUSTRUM - Awaiting Doom 
  5. SEDIMENTUM - Décimation Lente 
  6. SEDIMENTUM - Un Cycle Tourmenté 
  7. SEDIMENTUM - Nécromasse 
  8. SEDIMENTUM - Supplice 
  9. Archagathus - Moronic Paracusia 
  10. Archagathus - Restricted - Addicted
  11. Archagathus - More Guns Pt. 2
  12. Archagathus - Is This The Answer?
  13. Archagathus - Obtuse Abuse
  14. Archagathus - Fucking Bad Memory
  15. Whoresnation - Vendredi 13
  16. Whoresnation - Who's To Blame? What's To Blame?
  17. Whoresnation - Roadkill
  18. Whoresnation - J'aurais Prefere Mourir En Mobylette

... rip vinilov iz selektorjeve zbirke ...






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