30. 5. 2020 – 20.00

AMPLIFY 2020: quarantine

Audio file


PODLAGA: Kate Carr: on every stair another stairway is set in negative


Festival Amplify že od leta 2001 vodi in ustvarja Jon Abbey – sicer tudi vodja ameriške založbe Erstwhile, ki  zalaga svet z improvizirano glasbo že od davnega 1999. Tudi Amplify, en od otrok Abbeyeve založbe, se ukvarja z improvizirano glasbo, elektroakustiko, terenskimi posnetki in sorodnimi področji, se pa tokrat zaradi specifike situacije v njem znajde presenetljivo število komponiranih del. Gre za doma posneta in ustvarjena dela, ki jih Abbey, s sokuratorjema Vanesso Rossetto in Matthewom Revertom, nalaga na Bandcamp. Od tam so na voljo za prosti pretok, možnosti za plačilo sploh ni. Od 20. marca do danes so na Bandcamp naložili že 134 del, festivala pa ne nameravajo zaključiti, dokler se svetovna situacija koronakrize ne umiri.


1. David Grubbs: The Snake on it's tail / The Furthest Farthest (8:48)

2. Rie Nakajima: carpet (6:20)

3. Giuseppe Ielasi: 2 (3:06)

4. Sarah Hughes: In A Tissue (8:59)

5. Manja Ristić: Isolation 3 – Memories of the world soaked in sound (5:46)

6. Alexandra Spence: listening, for awhile (glass) (8:59)

find a place where you can sit/walk/stand for a time with your eyes closed

'Listening, for awhile'

hum the pitch of a sound you hear humming for a full outbreath

listening, your memory of this sound intermingling with your surroundings

eyes still closed, touch an object or surface within reach, feeling the material, texture, density

feel or imagine this surface/object vibrating, hum a tone at which it might resonate

listening again, to the interaction of these tones, and your surroundings

eyes still closed, what can you smell, can you imagine the source of this scent, can you hum a tone that might emanate or resonate from the source of this smell

listening again, to the interaction of these tones, and your surroundings

eyes still closed, tasting, the air, the inside of your mouth, does the air make a sound as you move it around on your tongue, hum this sound, taste it as it resonates in your mouth, your throat, your head, feeling as it vibrates through your skull, your bones, your body

listening once more, but also feeling, smelling, tasting, the interaction of these tones, of your surroundings

open your eyes, the first sight that you grasp, say this word.

7. Marja Ahti: Traces of Friction (11:08)

8. Howard Stelzer: Something to do (10:10)

9. Claire Rousay: I'm not a bad person but... (6:47)

10. Steve Beresford/David Toop: No Relation (13:19)

11. Keith Rowe: an assemblage / construct for 45 voices (16:17)

12. James Rushford: Terrace (5:33)

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Prazen radio ne stoji pokonci! Podpri RŠ in omogoči produkcijo alternativnih, kritičnih in neodvisnih vsebin.

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