Cecil Taylor: v opomin

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Cecil Percival Taylor (1929 - 2018)

Nocoj z glasbo in sodelavcema Miho Zadnikarjem ter Markom Karlovčcem, ki bosta prispevala svoje uvide, opominjamo na figuro Cecila Taylorja - viharnega jazzovskega velikana in pionirja, ki nas je zapustil 5. aprila letos. Moderira Peter Kuntarič


Scroll No. 1

Whistle into night

Recognize exorcism

   blue's history.

Whittled whispers while

city technique wrung

   awakened needs

Spring cotton answer


   Carver's oil estranged

   outer earth's garments

   Scorched exclusivity

   Shining Bandanah

Thru ground mounds and

   honeysucklevine scraped

   dust rises. Noon dimples

   sweat titty.

Bugle brow browned

Indignation laments

Yellow childrens

   scampering ass'n

   pigtails stompin'


           White crucifix

           White flame

           White God

           White hood

           White white

           White which

           Pains shame

           Call your'n

           Happiness born

           comin' onto


           Greased bolts

           Mud fields

           Hot stream

           Stung stank

           Stitch sanguine

           Satiety sought



           Sin sinning

           Singing song

           Set 4 centuries long

Mirror born color squared

difference excuse

mountain organ hill bill

   tongue tastes

Tar flesh trampled seeds.


Scroll No. 2

Nation's lost diplomacy

lost notions duplicity

Demagogic democracy

Damned dutiful

Darned cloth

blue serge white white

one someone shirt floptic

tank bat and »yeah bo«

I'ma Senatah!

You just sing dance unseed


   food maker

   lost nobles

   chewed spit'n

   grits shit and

   molasses hot smellin'

   teeth toothless

   hyeena smile

'Ah is so happy

Youse mah master

   ooh ooh ooh

Kick me agin gin

   Prick Duster sperm

Ground life out

Chambers red


Lao Vaudois

   leaves bow

Swollen gulls mate

exigent whimpers

swimmers duck

rockfall legion's


   where bonnets

   bent whore's lost

   puerility romps

   unchided over

   back roads black

   in night cesspools

   to constellations


Justice invisibly


lighted masks

calcimined mimes

ejaculate polyglot


Dry cell of money

has locked the minds

and acauterized hearts


Chinampas #5'04"

          ANGLE of incidence

          being matter ignited

                                                                            one sixtieth of luminous


                                                                            behind wind

beginning spiral of two presences


light drum

angle of incidénce observant of sighns

                                          be's core based fiber conducting impulses flattened spirals of

                                          spirit prompting

                                          letter per square centimeter of three dimensions

                                          swept cylinder and cone

                                          cutting shape of drying bodiesNow pulverized

                                                                            having fed on


arranged service of constant spiral elements of floating cocineal and

kaaay and kaay and kaay and

agité an-agité and kaay

and kaay and yyeeagiye yoa,

ya yoa

deposits of hieroglyphic regions

womb of continuing light

preexisting blood per square centimeter of aBlaack bhody

a curve having rotation in three dimensions

cutting spiral elements at a constant angle

behind wind

the inexpresssssible inclusion

of one within another

a lustrous red, reddish brown or black natural fill compact or attacked

POINT fixed on circumference

curve about red

does in fact alter regions of contact as a rooase

on the outside circumference flushed toward slant

intersecting new reference point

moves clockwise

representing a frequency's


each bend of ordinan equals the sum in singular

youas youas youas

proceeding enclosure engulfing unending spiral


there floating amidst aliana and overhead

romela romelaya romela romelaya a ceeia

invisible expressions of warmed snakewood soothed by exudation of sloed balsam scent

is arielroot elixir is knowing circle crossed at oiled extremity

in center of wing burring

creates fire in air

serpent is preexisting light light yeah

the meter maintained is ôpen yet a larger whorl

describing orbit of earth

eaters incisors as omniscient

pochee aida aida hueldo aida aida huedo

uniting of three astral plains/planes corresponding to a serpent synthesis

altering the sliii'de

                                                                            disengage'd ecliptic traveling

                                                                                                    due north

skip through at least two successive meridians

diagonal shear

uniting as macrocosm five heads degrees of tangiBle ahhb jects

graded ascension of floor levels

suspended voice


held within concretized mur'eau de perfume breath

again floating

‘tween lighted mooon///soar

and silent cross of bird sensing cold at base

invisible to source of satyrial/siderial turn Between regions of partial

shadow and complete illumination.


omnipotence the florescence of the perpendicular


the floresce of the perpendicular pentamorphic

the florescence of the perpendicular pentamorphic

perpendicular pentamorphic

(kiss, silences, rhythm)

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