7. 8. 2015 – 23.00


Audio file

Ustanovni član barvite založbe Farbwechsel - S. Olbricht - Martin Mikolai je za DJ Seanso posnel eksluzivni miks. Uredništvu seanse je Martin miks postal s pripisom: ''i'm a bit bored with making techno and house mixes so i decided to make something… proper''

Prisluhnite tokratni seansi in slišali boste kako S. Olbricht definira besedo proper.

Od Osake do Goetheburga, iz Budimpešte v Ljubljano!

01. Vaghe Stelle            - Multiple Concentric Hexagons

02. De Fabriek            - Die Swester

03. KK Null + Chris Watson + Z'ev - Introduction - Man, (The Warrior) Mars Speech Fire South Summer Morning

04. Gerechtigkeits Liga - Zyklus Beats / In Excelsis Zyklus

05. Sktitliv - Who Will Deliver Us From Gold & Planets?

06. Orthrelm - Untitled

07. Celluloid Mata - Level MP

08. Coil - His Body Was A Playground For The Nazi Elite

09. Institut - Traitors

10. Converter - Dis-joint

11. Merzbow + Genesis P-Orridge - Kreeme Horn    

12. Pita - 03



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