12. 7. 2023 – 12.00

IndieRE #68 by Campus FM, Clermont-Ferrand

Audio file

Štiriindvajseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Radio in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.


Welcome to a new episode of IndieRE, the show that introduces you emerging new music across Europe. Today, we have a special slot from Radio Campus Clermont-Ferrand. It is part of the Campus FM, France, network. We were able to present five singers and music groups of a variety of musical styles: pop, electro, rock and French songs. During this hour we will take you on a journey of discovery of the diversity of modern music from our region.



Swane Vieira: instagram

PoulainJar: bandcamp

Beastly: bandcamp | facebook

Coco macé: soundcloud | facebook

Armoni: facebook | youtube


Produced by Radio Campus, Clermont-Ferrand as part of Campus FM, Toulouse.

This episode was made possible thanks to Maeva Battard, Florence Roche, Nathan Rondo, Nicolas Majeune and Jean-Philippe Chemin.

Design by Jure Anžiček.



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