IndieRE #77 by Radio Študent, Ljubljana

Audio file

Triintrideseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Radio in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.


Radio Študent from Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, is a 50-year old student radio station, still dedicated to promoting alternative music. This broadcast is a radio show brought to you by a network of eight partners as a part of the project IndieRE, in which we are covering and sharing the news about new releases of local quality non-mainstream music.

The new, 77th broadcast of the IndieRE project is brought to you by Marko and Dušan from Radio Študent, Ljubljana, Slovenia. In the past couple of weeks the Slovenian music output has been tinged with beats so we’ll be hearing from the bassist and beatmaker Frankly with his second album of silky smooth, yet deep beats titled Life Encoder, released on Beton Records. Then we’ll switch the to the guitar and vocal powered music of Lelee, who are stopping by for an interview and are preparing their new album to be released by Moonlee Records. We’ll then return to beatmaking with Borka, a DJ, producer and a prominent figure in Ljubljana’s music scene, who’s preparing his third album Places on the rx:tx imprint and will talk to us about his work. We’ll wrap up the show with a song by Muzikačaka, the experimental music act of Sara Korošec, that has been included on the compilation Grounded - Peace V.A., the Grounded Festival self-released message of peace.


Featured artists/producers and labels:

Frankly: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Beton Records (label): bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Lelee: web | bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Moonlee Records (label): web | bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Borka: bandcamp | instagram | facebook

rx:tx (label): bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Grounded Festival: web | bandcamp | instagram | facebook

Muzikačaka: web | bandcamp | instagram | facebook



01 Frankly – Detroit [3:02] (Life Encoder, Beton Records, 2023)

02 Frankly – Why [2:52] (Life Encoder, Beton Records, 2023)

03 Lelee – Snaga [3:03] (single, Moonlee Records, 2023)

04 Lelee – Nestaješ [4:55] (single, Moonlee Records, 2023)

05 Borka – Svetac (dva tovara) ft. nikson [3:07] (Places, rx:tx, 2023)

06 Muzikačaka – z neba [3:37] (Grounded - Peace V.A., Grounded Festival self-released, 2023)


Produced by Radio Študent, Slovenia.

Prepared, announced by Marko Miočić and Dušan Bulajić. Sound mixing by Luka Seliškar.

Design by Jure Anžiček.


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