Kitarska linija
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29. 12. 2020 – 23.00
Dism, Social Crisis, Ortika, My Own Voice, Anti-Everything, Sunkway, Funeral Dress
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29. 12. 2020 – 22.00
Drugi od štirih (!) delov pregleda slovenske scene
Vir: Lastni vir
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23. 12. 2020 – 23.00
Nič gostov ker kao covi 19. Umirite
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23. 12. 2020 – 22.00
Ena od treh grških kraljic bizantinske glasbe
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23. 12. 2020 – 20.00
Izbor najbolših v letu 2020
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22. 12. 2020 – 23.00
B.E.T.O.E., End Result, Usura, Hak Attak, Corpses, Sawtorture, Tower 7, Corrupted Youth
Vir: Tegla
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22. 12. 2020 – 22.00
Prvi od štirih (!) delov pregleda slovenske scene
Vir: Lastni vir
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16. 12. 2020 – 23.00
Salem, Oranssi Pazuzu, Ulcerate, Bell Witch & Aerial Ruin
Vir: SP
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16. 12. 2020 – 22.00
Pregled novosti
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16. 12. 2020 – 20.00
Tokrat samo plejlista
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15. 12. 2020 – 23.00
Affect, Löckheed, Phane, State Terror, Terror, Belltoll, Syndrome 81, Disöppen Gräv, Venomwolf
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15. 12. 2020 – 22.00
Nekaj spominov, nekaj novosti
Vir: SP
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9. 12. 2020 – 22.00
Fretted And Indebted
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8. 12. 2020 – 23.00
Distance, Exilent, Rexurgir, Total Defeat, No Future, xRisalex, Eternal Struggle, Mortality Rate, Drömspell
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8. 12. 2020 – 22.00
Kot že piše v naslovu ...
Vir: Lastni vir
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2. 12. 2020 – 23.00
Nah, Botanist, Liturgy, Mizmor & Andrew Black
Vir: SP
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2. 12. 2020 – 22.00
In & Of
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2. 12. 2020 – 20.00
‏‏‎ ‎
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1. 12. 2020 – 23.00
Temor, Käfir, Denigrante, Løvve, Борщевик, Skrot, Grief Eater
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1. 12. 2020 – 22.00
Same novitete za vse težke duše
Vir: Lastni vir
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25. 11. 2020 – 23.00
Brez gostov, samo kasete in vinili iz selektorjeve kolekcije