30. 1. 2017 – 21.00

Riddim Operator #297 !!!

Tokrat bo oddaja delno posvečena enemu izmed velikih imen reggaeja - Dennis Brownu. Danes tako sučemo del intervjuja z Dennisovo hčerko Marlo Brown, ki je bil posnet pred kratkim. Seveda se bomo ustavili tudi pri novih rečeh oz. prihajajočih izdajah... sukali bomo novejšega Sandeena & King Generala, Blue Hill, Queen Ifrico, Iba Mahr, Meta & The Cornerstones in Cristopher Martina... za nazaj pa se bomo pomudili v 70. letih UK roots scene. 


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ponovitev ( rok trajanja 1 teden ! ):  https://soundcloud.com/riddim-operator



Dennis Brown - If I Had The World (live) (Suzy / Elektra)

Eclipse - Immigration (Reggae Archives)

Musical Youth - Generals (Reggae Archives)

Rhythmites - Nation Integration (Bristol Archive Records)

Marla Brown Interview @ Radio Študent by Tamara Nanaja (27.01.2017)

Marla Brown ft. Mutabaruka - Words Of Wisdom (VP Records)

Queen Ifrica ft. Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley - Trueversation (forthcomin' VP Records)

Spiritual ft. Iba Mahr - Liberation (forthcomin' VP Records)

Meta & The Cornerstones - Mind Your Business (forthcomin' Metarize LLC)

Christopher Martin - My Love (forthcomin' VP Records)

King General - Two Face People (Skanking Music)

Sandeeno & King General - Wicked Run Away (Chouette Records)

Blue Hill - Natty Natty (Grand Ancestor)

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