7. 1. 2013 – 22.00

Riddim Operator #86 !!!

Pa smo ga dočakal... konc leta 2012 namreč. Suvereno plujemo naprej in vam spet ponujamo zvrhan koš novitet, starih zadev, raritet in še kaj. Za točni redosled svetujemo priklop na tele frekvence, drevi, kot ste že vajeni. Za približno predstavo pa tole: Sizzla, Perfect, Robert Lee, Horace Martin, Heptones, Tartans, Dj Madd, Doctor, Shandy, itd. in ... dubbbbbbb.   Za zamudnike nudimo tudi ponovitev!


mail:  @email


ponovitev:  https://soundcloud.com/riddim-operator


Plejlista Riddim Operator #86:  

Horace Martin - Unity (Tuff Scout)

Heptones - Fattie Fattie (Studio 1)

The Tartans - It's Alright (Caltone)

Count Sticky & The Upsetters - Rockfort Psychedelion (Scratch)

The Fugitives with Joe Joe - Cantelope Rock (Doctor Bird)

Cronixx - Ain't No Giving In (Chimney Records)

Trinity - Dancehall Stylee (Boom Shak Records)

Perfect - Be Hopeful (Boom Shak Records)

C'daynger - All I See (Boom Shak Records)

Kg Man - Police (Boom Shak Records)

Sizzla - We Noh Bow (Boom Shak Records)

Brother Culture - Pop Round (Flexitime)

Chronicle - Murder A Soundboy (Belleville International)

Robert Lee - Battlefield (Tuff Scout)

Spyda meets The Dub Hooligan - Mek Dem Gwan (Tuff Scout)

Doctor - Police Officer (Acapella) (New World Audio)

Congo Natty - Marcus Garvey / DJ Madd Remix (promo)

Shandy - Conquering Lion (New World Audio)

Horace Andy ft. Million Teeth - Bad Man / Fenin Dub Version (Echo Beach)

Bob Marley - Burnin' And Lootin' (Island)

Rhythm & Sound - Free For All Version (BCP)

Temponauta - unknown (white)

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