1. 3. 2023 – 22.00

Elise Boeur & Adam Iredale-Gray, Joseph Decosimo

Audio file

Poslušamo album While You Were Slumbering, ki ga je izdal Joseph Decosimo, ter ploščo Fiddle Tunes dueta Elise Boeur in Adama Iredala-Graya.


01 Joseph Decosimo - Bob Wills Stomp; Wild Goose Chase

02 Elise Boeur & Adam Iredale-Gray - Brureslått Rull Fra Jølster

03 Elise Boeur & Adam Iredale-Gray - London Út

04 Elise Boeur & Adam Iredale-Gray - Rodney’s Glory; Scully Casey’s; Dave Collins’

05 Elise Boeur & Adam Iredale-Gray - Polska Efter Jöns Persson

06 Elise Boeur & Adam Iredale-Gray - Winnie Hayes; Gan Ainm; The Monk’s

07 Joseph Decosimo - Possum up a Gum Stump

08 Joseph Decosimo - Clear Fork

09 Joseph Decosimo - Coon Dog

10 Joseph Decosimo - The Lost Gander

11 Joseph Decosimo - Will Davenport's Tune

12 Joseph Decosimo - Wild Goose Chase

13 Joseph Decosimo - Apple Brandy

14 Joseph Decosimo - Shady Grove

15 Fairport Convention - Matty Groves

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