21. 7. 2021 – 22.00

New Lost City Ramblers

Audio file

Poslušamo album The New Lost City Ramblers Vol. 4, ameriške zasedbe iz časa folk preporoda New Lost City Ramblers. Plošča je izšla leta 1962.


01 Tom Cat Blues

02 Run Mountain

03 Take Me Back to the Sweet Sunny South

04 Black Jack David

05 Carter Blues

06 The Coo Coo Bird

07 Molly Put the Kettle On

08 Have a Feast Here Tonight

09 Crow Black Chicken

10 Cindy

11 Billy Grimes  the Rover

12 Frankie Silver

13 Stackerlee (Stagger Lee)

14 Dollar's All I Crave

15 Keno  the Rent Man

16 The Miller's Will

17 The Story That the Crow Told Me

18 Weave Room Blues

19 Lady of Carlisle

20 Railroad Blues

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