6. 10. 2020 – 23.00

Class Oppression

Audio file

S U B W A Y  1 2 4 0 / 1 5 3 5  torek, 6/ 10. 2020 ob 23-ih

Nova plošča hcpunk banda iz Brna Godot Youth. Sveže zadeve angleških street punksov The Chisel in portlandskega crust banda Phantom Hymn. Jezna hc banda, kanadski Citizen Rage in Streets Of Rage iz Hong Konga. Seoul hc Combative Post prav tako imajo nov album, crust/grind iz Moskve Opfor pa EP. Posnetki starih, a še zmeraj dejavnih britanskih anarcho punk bandov Rubella Ballet in Hagar The Womb.

GODOT YOUTH  -  "Prostředí" 7"EP (2020, Ultima ratio)

– Teď ne

– Prostředí

– Chiméra

THE CHISEL - "Deconstructive surgery" 7" EP (2020, La vida es un mus)

– Chisel Boys

– Rat Running Scared

– Class Oppression

PHANTOM HYMN - "Catatonic Bliss" (2020)

– Kingdom of Dreams

– Wisdom is Bleak

COMBATIVE POST - "Without" CD (2020)

– By Yourself

– Hell…It's Chosen

– I Won't Be Tainted

– Farewell To My Dreams

STREETS OF RAGE - "Spill Blood" single (2020)

– Spill Blood

CITIZEN RAGE - "Black" EP (2020)

– Twitch

– I Will Fucking Kill You

OPFOR - "Arc Light" EP (2020)

– Battle Hog

– Professional Consumer

– Arc Light

RUBELLA BALLET - "Radio Sessions 1982-2018" LP (2020)

– Newz At Ten (1982)

– Rubella Dance (2018)

– Belfast (2018)

HAGAR THE WOMB - "Hegitate" MLP (2016)

– Visible Women

Kaj več o dogodkih na sceni http://slovenski-punk-rock-portal.blogspot.si


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