10. 9. 2019 – 23.00

In Crust We Trust

Audio file

S U B W A Y  1 1 8 4 / 1 4 5 9 torek, 10/9. 2019. ob 23-ih

Nov švedski band Scared Earth je prispel do prvega albuma, njihovi rojaki Kronisk misantropi so tudi izstrelili album, tako kot crusterji Agenda z Norveške. Nov EP finskih Disapprove ter novi posnetki punk bandov Cliterati iz Portlanda in Causes iz Hannoverja. Proti koncu še Ravage Fix iz Švice ter napoved novega albuma londonskih The Restarts.


SCARED EARTH - "Poisoned world" LP (2019, Phobia records)

– Bombs Enough

– Death Machine

– Världens Undergång

KRONISK MISANTROPI - "Masshypnos" LP (2019, Phobia records)

– Normativa as

– Kromosomifel i U.S.A.

AGENDA - "Apocalyptic Wasteland Blues" LP (2019)

– Cognitive Dissonance

– Suffer

– Do Or Die

– The City Dies Tonight

DISAPPROVE - "Not My World" EP (2019)

– Cities Burn

– Aggression

– Not My World

CLITERATI - "Ugly Truths/Beautifull Lies" CD (2019)

– Trans is Beutifull

– Silence=Death

– Redneck, White and Blue

– In Crust We Trust

CAUSES - EP 2019

– Europe

– Traditions

RAVAGE FIX - "III" EP (2019)

– Kein Friede

– Nichts

– Dynamit in Bauch

The RESTARTS - "Uprising!" EP (2019)

– Black Dog

Od koncertov:

(četrtek) 12. 9. Zagreb, Močvara: Virtue of the vicous, Path of cestoda, Phezulu;

(torek) 17. 9. Ljubljana, Gromka: Lvmen, Seul ocean;


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