30. 6. 2015 – 23.00

It's Time To Cut The Shit

Audio file

S U B W A Y 9 6 5 / 1 2 6 0 torek, 30/6.2015. ob 23-ih

Mania for conquest vol. 4:  Gas, Konform, Atos de vinganca, Arquivo morto, Küiproküó, War Attack, Nengah Jr. in The Gorgets Punk Lady. Novi album ameriških anarcho crusterjev Appalachian Terror Unit ter prvi posnetki zagrebških Accident. Od koncertov - v Petišovcih bodo med drugimi Life in Peril, Cold Reality in Makeshift Promise, v Zagrebu pa Ignite in domačini Katran

V/A Mania for conquest vol. 4: 

GAS – Selfdestruction

KONFORM – Plague of Conformity


– Mas um arquivo morto

– Íntimo da morte ("Canificina Contemporânea" EP, 2015)

– Tempo não e dinheiró ("Canificina Contemporânea" EP, 2015)

ATOS DE VINGANÇA – Estado suicida

KÜIPROKÜÓ – Pra não dizer que não falei das guerras

NENGAH JR. – Fuck Off

WAR ATTACK – Invasion Of The Nightmare


APPALACHIAN TERROR UNIT - "We Don't Need Them" LP (Profane Existence, Skuld Releases, Ruin Nation, 2015)

– It's Time To Cut The Shit

– Banners Over The Wasteland

– Consumer Culture

ACCIDENT - "Punk Rock Shock" 2015

– Insane System

LIFE IN PERIL - "Winter" EP 2015

- Smoke and Mirrors

COLD REALITY - "No Escape" EP 2014

– Never Get Fulled Again

– Changes

MAKESHIFT PROMISE - "I'm not As Good As I Thought" EP 2013

– Black Eyes

– Stapled Mouth

KATRAN - "Lost Manners" EP 2013

– Hitting Bottom

IGNITE - "Our Darkest Days" CD 2007

– Last Time

Od koncertov:

(četrtek) 2.7. Zagreb, Route 66: Gajba, Accident;

(petek in sobota) 3. in 4.7. Železniki, kozovc na Jasenovc - Krawal: Krik Disneylanda, Fast Response, Demolition Group, Iamdisease, Hellcrawler, Break The Mold, Kreshesh nepitash, Guilty of Joy, Fastidia, Metalsteel, Black Reaper, Hillbillywithachainsaw (HBWC). http://www.rov-drustvo.si/

(petek) 3.7. Lendava, Petišovci – Tepih na paleti festival #6: Fakofbolan, Fast Response, Cold Reality, Freeride, Makeshift Promise, Mental Strike, Inhibis, Scatter, Vasectomy;

(sobota) 4.7. Lendava, Petišovci – Tepih na paleti festival #6: Kraj programa, Bakterije, Life in Peril, In The Crossfire, Start At Zero, Drone Hunter, Fajrunt, Fail Aspect, Strupeni poeti;

(nedelja) 5.5. Zagreb, Vintage Industrial Bar: Ignite, Insane, Katran;

23. MONTE PARADISO FESTIVAL 31.7.-1.8.2015.

(petek) 31.7.: M.D.C., Los Fastidios, Call The Cops, Culto Del Cargo, Iamdisease, Shin, P.R.S.O.;

(sobota) 1.8.: Wolfbrigade, Left For Dead, Siberian Meat Grinder, Diesel Breath, Deer in the Headlights, Zaprti oddelek, Bosonogo djetinjstvo.



!!!Več o koncertih na: http://slovenski-punk-rock-portal.blogspot.com

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