11. 9. 2012 – 23.00

Rage of Sanity

Audio file

S U B W A Y 8 2 1 / 1 1 1 6 torek, 11/9.2012. ob 23-ih

Novi ep so posneli From Ashes Rise, novi album pa D.O.A. – We Come In Peace. Sveže posnetke ima tudi novi crust band iz New Jerseya, Disobey. Za njimi še malo nepokorščine z anarho punkerji Desobediencia civil iz Argentine.  V drugem delu oddaj thrashy hc iz Tel Aviva, Mr. Error Sound System (M.E.S.S.). Od koncertov Instinct of Survival in Hellcrawler. Poslušali bomo tudi Wolfbrigade oziroma Wolfpack, ki bodo igrali na festivalu Enemy of the Sun v Pragi naslednji vikend.

DISOBEY - "Human Sffering in Five Movements" + "Disobey"

- Kiteman

– Power and Greed

– 1000 suns

DESOBEDIENCIA CIVIL - "Tarde o temprano" EP 2012

– Sin-ismos

– Tarde o temprano

FROM ASHES RISE- "Rejoice The End" 7"EP (2012, Southern Lord)

– Rage of Sanity

- Rejoice the End

D.O.A. - "We Come in Peace" CD (2012, Sudden Death)

- He's Got a Gun

- Who the Hell

- Bring Out Your Dead

– Do You Wanna

– We Occupy

M.E.S.S.- "Weekend Ritual Massacre" (2011)

– Ninety One

– Feminazi

– Stereo

– Punk

WOLFBRIGADE - "Damned" LP (2012, Southern Lord)

– Slaves Of Induction

– From Beyond

WOLFPACK - "All Day Hell" CD (1999)/// Wolfbrigade - "The Wolfpack Years" 10"EP (2003)

– Hostile Wasteland

– Life Comes Ripping

HELLCRAWLER - "Wastelands" 2011

– Firefly Powerplant

INSTINCT OF SURVIVAL-"North of Nowhere....South of Somewhat" LP 2009

- Old, Lonely, Embittered

Contact: apatridi@hotmail.com

Od koncertov:

(sreda) 12.9. Maribor, Pekarna, Gustaf: Xaxaxa, SIZ;

(torek) 18.9. Ljubljana, Gromka: Instinct of Survival, Hellcrawler;


Aktualno-politične oznake

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