Audio file
12. 9. 2023 – 23.00
Paranoid, Contrasto, Ego, Koridor, Ausgebombt, Castillo, TruexFeeling, Degress, Warkrusher
Audio file
13. 4. 2023 – 14.00
Hellshock ponovno na odru Gromke skupaj z Greio
Audio file
30. 3. 2021 – 23.00
Anti-cimex, Nyksi, Calculated Chaos, Amphist, Exposure, Knives, Cacerolazo
Audio file
23. 3. 2021 – 23.00
Doom, Tystvar, GMH, Disrejects, Caloris Impact, Urban Sprawl, Shatter
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3. 12. 2019 – 23.00
Askö, Tuono, Reality Nightmare, Husmanskost, Svartmatik, Löckheed, Physique, Misnatropic
Audio file
16. 4. 2019 – 23.00
Enzyme, Rat Cage, Zabojnik, Rozruch!, Dis K-47, Kontatto, Pestartz, Pasmaters, Desteufels, Cancer Clan
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6. 3. 2018 – 23.00
La sangre no se negocia, Extinction of Mankind, American Nightmare, Fireburn, Left to Starve, Doxie
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8. 8. 2017 – 23.00
Kontatto, Oi polloi, Hergian, Herida Profunda, Hello Bastards, Aimless Arrow, Transfer Blama, Anti-Flag
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27. 6. 2017 – 23.00
Ydintuho, Dömesticrust, Somatix, Muro, Blackmail, Dog attack, Bolesno grinje, Kompost, Odio
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6. 12. 2016 – 23.00
Urban Vietkong, Kontatto, Martyrdöd, Los coketos, Emergency Broadcast, Demoralized, The Business
4. 7. 2016 – 14.30
Ko SxE ekipa igra crust...
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29. 12. 2015 – 23.00
Tørsö, Narcoleptics, Butcher, Disterror, Disbaja, Decontrol. Tvärnitad, Aktivna propaganda
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16. 9. 2015 – 14.30
otvoritev nove koncertne sezone z stilom
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15. 9. 2015 – 23.00
Doom, Indoctrinate, AKS, Deathraid, Diskobra, Youth Violence, Rákosi, No Second Chance, Human Host Body
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28. 4. 2015 – 23.00
Rifiuto HC, Estampida, Totalt Jävla Mörker, Wolfbrigade, Kontatto, Lust for Death, Poison Idea, Final Approach
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25. 3. 2014 – 23.00
Unfixed, Kontatto, Mob 47, Motus, Alert! Alert!, Luvdump, Desperat, Skizophrenia, Beast, Think Again
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19. 11. 2013 – 22.00
Novo v letošnjem predzimskem času, ki je že vseeno dovolj hladen
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17. 9. 2013 – 23.00
Gotcha, WORM, Protestera, Hellshock, Speedwolf, Napalm Raid, Hazarder, Bastinados, Born For Slaughter
Audio file
11. 9. 2012 – 23.00
From Ashes Rise, D.O.A, Wolfbrigade, Wolfpack, Instinct of Survival, Disobey, M.E.S.S.