28. 11. 2023 – 23.00

The System's Against Me

Audio file

S U B W Y  1 4 0 4 / 1 6 9 9  torek, 28/11.2023. ob 23-ih

Reizdaja prvega album Wolfbrigade ter novi album njihovih rojakov Scared Earth. Nov single proti vojni na Bližnjem vzhodu imaju  metalkorovci Znous iz Tunizije. Prvi plošči imajo HC punksi Phantasm iz Melobourna ter Ideal Victim iz Porta, novi ep pa grenlandijski d-beaterji Bipolar. OI polloi so razdelili ploščo z Gutterblood. Od koncertov: Reach AD, Odpisani in Deafness By Noise.

WOLFBRIGADE – "Progression/Regression" LP (2023/2001, Agi Punk)

- This Is Life

- Välfärds Land

SCARED EARTH – "Death Comes Tumbling Down" LP (2023, Phobia records)

- The System's Against Me

– Death Comes Tumbling Down 

– After The War

– In And Out (Of Jail)

ZNOUS – Rotzhey Yeladim (Children Killers) SP (2023)

– Juna (Znousland 1, EP 2023/2017)

– A.C.A.B. (Znousland 1, EP 2023/2017)

PHANTASM – "Conflict Reality" EP (2023, HardCore Victim)

- Conflict Reality

– No Peace

IDEAL VICTIM – "Diary of a pig" EP (2023)

- The Freedom To be Inferior

– Alpha Male

– Master Manipulator

BIPOLAR – "In The Midst Of Sadness" EP (2023)

- In The Midst Of Sadness

– Reality Or Nightmare

OI POLLOI – split w/- Gutterblood (2023)

- We Must Resist


- Gardyloo

REACH AD – "Oath Of Defiance" (2022)

- When Embers Become Flames

ODPISANI – split ep w/ Toxic Youth (2023)

- He Is

DEAFNESS BY NOISE - "Dial N For Noise" LP (2023)

- Overrun

Od koncertov:

(petek) 1.12. Il. Bistrica, MLNŽ: Left To Starve, Iamdisease;

(sobota) 2.12 Ljubljana, Gromka: Deafness By Noise, Odpisani, Reach AD;


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