1. 1. 2013 – 23.00

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Audio file

S U B W A Y 8 3 6/ 1 1 3 1 torek, 1/1.2013. ob 23-ih

Srečno novo leto! V leto 2013 bomo pridrveli s temačnim crusterji Displague iz Barcelone. Split LP sta razdelili Desperat in Deathraid; Švedski HC 4 Syria - Kvoteringen, Agent Attitude, Ticking Bombs in Swarm. Odličen crust Krang prihaja iz Chicaga, proti koncu tudi novi ep kopenhaških Nuclear Death Terror. Od koncertov: Passive Aggressive.


DISPLAGUE - "Displague" CD, 2011

- Mort

- Muertos

- Salir de la doctrina común

- La obediencia al consumo

DEATHRAID - split w/Desperat CD (World Funeral 2012)

– Hung Up

– Ghouls

– The Crush


- Garanterat Mangel

– Åsiktspolisen

– Måtte djävulen ta er!

V/A HC4Syria

DESPERAT – Demokrati?



TICKING BOMBS – Stand Your Ground

SWARM – Born To Ruin

KRANG - "Sounds Of Death" CD, 2012

– Sounds of Death

– The Earth Was Blue, But There Was No God

- The Unbearable Weight of Knowing

NUCLEAR DEATH TERROR - "Blood Chaos Fire Death" 7"EP (D-takt&Ra punk Records; Freedom Fighters, 2012.)

- Descent

- Collapse

PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE - "Winter Tour Promo 2012/2013"

– Relentless Night

Od koncertov:

(nedelja) 6.1. Zagreb, Medika: Ljubiša Samardžić, Passive Aggressive, Bamovi.


Albumi 2012:

Tragedy / Darker Days Ahead

Misery / From Where the Sun Never Shines

War//Plague / One a Darker Dawn

Deviated Instinct / Liberty Crawls to the Sanctuary of Slaves

Wolfbrigade / Damned

Simbiose / Economical Terrorism

Napalm Death / Utilitarian

Meinhof / Mother

Ashkara / In Absence

Cross Stitched Eyes / Decomposition

EPS 2012

Nuclear Death Terror / Blood, fire, chaos, death

Applachian Terror Unit / Black Sands

From Ashes Rise / Rejoice The End

Anti-Sect  / Tour EP

Juventud Podrida / 1989

„Domaci“ (Hr&SLO) 2012

Amok / 2012

Aktivna Propaganda / Ruke ponosa

Public Disgrace  / Ajmo, razlaz!

Iamdisease / Iamdisease

Nonsense / Prazan pogled

Passive Aggressive / Winter Tour Promo 2012/2013

Final Approach / Discover Hate

Debeli precjednik / Bruto Slavo-VBK

Leechfeast / Hideous Illusions

Paraf  / Prekinuti koitus


Aktualno-politične oznake
Kraj dogajanja

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