22. 11. 2012 – 21.30

elektronske plesne novosti

Audio file

brskamo po dubovskih, basovskih, ambientalnih in techno elektronskih novostih...veliko se jih nabralo

1. Vitalic - The Legend Of Kasper Hauser (4:10)

2. Andy Stott - Luxury Problems (5:03)

3. Manual - Glide (6:45)

4. Nhk'koyxen - 670 (3:43)

5. Kyle Hall & Kero - Zug Island (7:41)

6. Redshape - Enter The Volt (4:59)

7. Skudge - Convolution (7:37)

8. Planetary Assault Systems - Turn (6:36)

9. Lakker - CIAR (5:43)

10. Sigha - Puritan (6:40)

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