Huda ura
HUDA URA (HEAVY WEATHER) is a broadcast/netcast focusing on the improvised and algorythmic = realtime sound production aspects (atmospheric, concrete & ambiental sounds), relating very directly to music and the principles of Ministry of Experiment (as it used to be). Every second Mnoday at 23.00 (10.00 p.m. CET)
Avtor: Borut Savski
improvised - human = algorythmic
human : machine relations = prosthetics?!
biologic + social systems = life?
social behaviour = intelligence?!?
mechanical + synthetic systems = mechanisms =automata?
perception of nature = perception of art?!
art = a deliberate (humane) aesthetic action?
art = (human) interpretation of nature?
Arhiv oddaj pred majem 2012 najdeš tukaj.